ONE STEP TO POLISHING THE HOUR: Crowded intensive care could lead to the most rigorous measure: full closure


With 2,434 doctors infected and 66 hospitalized, even if more covid clinics are emptied, medical care can hardly tolerate a further increase in the number of patients.

Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar also confirms that we are not separated from the full shutdown for a long time, noting that the new measures are obviously poorly respected. Although the situation is critical, it is not yet questionable that no patient is left without medical help, but the question is how long medical care can absorb such pressure.

The extent of the epidemic is confirmed by the fact that with 1,007 people infected per 100,000 inhabitants, officially, according to the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC), we entered the last of the nine rounds that classify countries according to epidemiological situation. Although epidemiologists estimate that by the end of next week, the epidemic could begin to calm down, and at least not increase the number of infected, at this rate, by then we could reach 10,000 infected per day and a number of deaths of three digits.

– The situation is serious, the places in the Belgrade clinics are completely full – says Professor Dr. Mijomir Pelemis, an infectious disease specialist and member of the crisis staff. – We agreed to make detailed visits and that those who are approaching the end of therapy be transferred by Serbia, to the temporary hospitals in Nis and Kragujevac. All seriously ill people with kovida should be where adequate protection can be provided, and those who do not need oxygen should be moved where there are places. We have a large number of admissions, the pressure on kovid ambulances is great. Currently there are no problems with attention. We can also be happy to have good doctors.

Discipline, it seems, is not “out of control” for us. The images of long lines formed to buy something at a discount on “Black Friday”, which we all saw on Friday, hit the doctors the most, who have been fighting to save lives for nine months. Because of that boost in shopping, in seven to 10 days, we could all win on “Black Friday.”

It is difficult to determine if we are “a minute” until closing or we can “bet” a few more days, but it is increasingly true that we are going in that direction, because there will be no other solution if the measures are not respected.

– The situation is very serious, Serbia is among the leading countries in terms of the number of new patients – says the director of WHO in Serbia, Marijan Ivanuša. – The existing measures have given results, they have consequences in daily life, but we do not respect them enough, we go out too much, we do not wear masks and we keep our distance. It is difficult to determine what is the “number” that would determine the quarantine. If we have 7,000 or 8,000 new cases a day, know that about 20 percent of them will end up in the hospital. They will have a severe picture of the disease, if they stay in the hospital for 10 days, that is, 15,000 occupied beds.


At the meeting of the Minister of Health with the directors of the covid centers, it was agreed that anyone with suspected coronavirus infection should first go to the covid clinics, in order to reduce the influx of clinical centers.

– They have to go to the nearest kovid clinic for tests and analyzes, and only then and exclusively with instructions are they sent to a certain triage center – says Dr. Goran Stevanović, director of the KCS Infectious Diseases Clinic and adds that It is important not to bog down the work of admission-triage outpatient clinics.

Dr. Ivana Milošević from this clinic says that more than 400 people are examined there a day.

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