One of the chiefs of the Novi Pazar hospital rejected the offer of his removal


The head of the Central Sterilization Operational Unit of the Novi Pazar General Hospital, Dragoš Vasović, refused to sign the “offer to change contractual working conditions”, which provides for his dismissal, and was fired for not accepting that offer. Vasović tells H1 that he is a signatory of the appeal “United against kovid” and that he sees the cause of everything in that.

“I mean, it is pure revenge, although our minister said there will be no revenge, yet this is involved in a round of revenge by Mr. Meho Mahmutović,” he says.

Vasović assures that his wife is also a signatory of the appeal “United against the covids” and that in the next few days they hope that she too will bear the consequences.

When asked if he would contact the organization “United Against Covid”, which asked doctors to contact them if they were in a similar situation, Vasovic said they were in contact.

“37 of us refer everything to their legal service, this is a democratic Serbia and the rule of law, so we’ll see …” he says.

Vasović adds that he was with a lawyer today who should consider everything.

“Okay, the annex will probably be signed, I’m mainly a pediatric surgeon, I’m still working, the boss hasn’t been my role since birth, therefore, whether or not I’m not interested anymore, but basically I plan to write a solution, and not as if we were in the market, I offer it to you or I fire you, ”says Vasović.
