On whether the measures will be toughened


Belgrade – Epidemiologist Predrag Kon says that since the introduction of the surveillance system for people coming from summer vacation, 36 people have been registered with symptoms of kovid.

Source: RTS

Photo: Printskrin: TV B92

Photo: Printskrin: TV B92

“This system is being applied for the first time in the country and the most important thing is that it works. The cross-section was opened to 23,000 and by then 36 people with symptoms of coronavirus have already been registered. We currently have virus imports, and it depends on the citizens”. Of course they do have symptoms, ”says Kon.

He pointed out to RTS that no one can stop the virus, but that the system is designed to slow it down.

“We have succeeded so far,” says Kon.

It states that there were no serious epidemiological conditions in people with symptoms of kovid after returning from abroad. It is mainly fever, followed by cough, loss of taste and smell.

“The virus still has a high transmission potential and we should not relax in any way, especially given the epidemiological situation in the surrounding countries,” Kon said.

Kon says that there will be no quarantine of the classic type, but that what is being implemented is that the contacts will go into self-isolation.

“The measures will not be poisoned, but the control of the implementation of the measures must be tightened, because it is important to prolong this acceptable situation during the month of October to carry out vaccination against influenza. There are about two million people who need to be vaccinated, but that level of vaccination has never been achieved. “About 700,000 doses of influenza vaccine will be available, with more available if needed,” Kon said.

“Circuit monitoring works, virus spread does not increase”

Print screen: TV B92 / file

Print screen: TV B92 / file

“Students will be moving now and at the end of October. The exam is mandatory, so according to the evaluation, they will eventually be evaluated. The Institute for Student Protection has a huge job, but they also have the experience and ability to do that. work, “Kon emphasized.

Surveillance in cars is working and so far 24 schools in Belgrade have been affected, but these are individual cases, adds the epidemiologist.

“These children are isolated and transmission is prevented. When the virus is already present, it is transmitted, but it is important that the system is made and works,” Kon said.
