On the table of new strict measures for the holidays, the profession is being cut today as we will for the New Year


BELGRADE – The crisis headquarters for the fight against the corona virus ambushed this morning at exactly 8 o’clock.

According to epidemiologists, the focus is expected to focus on measures relating to the upcoming holidays and the expected arrival of a large number of Serbian citizens in the country.

Among these proposals is the introduction of PCR tests upon entering the country, but also the possible quarantine and isolation.

Experts also warn that the arrival of large numbers of citizens in Serbia who could become ill here would put additional pressure on the country’s health system.

In Serbia, according to yesterday’s latest cross-section, another 7,393 people fell ill with the corona virus, 56 patients died and there are 323 patients on ventilators, which is the most since the start of the pandemic. 21,799 people were tested, 1,980,277 since the start of the pandemic. A total of 8,594 people are hospitalized.

Since the beginning of the pandemic in Serbia, 249,224 people have tested positive for the corona virus and a total of 2,172 people have died, while the death rate is 0.87 percent.


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Author: delivery courier
