The modifications to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases will be considered by the deputies in the session scheduled for Thursday.
Source: B92, Blic

Photo: Tanjug / Gyorgy Varga / MTI via AP
These amendments stipulate that sanctions can be imposed not only by inspectors but also by communal militias.
The powers of the communal inspector and the communal militiaman shall be the same as those of the sanitary inspection.
They may issue a termination order, submit a report to the competent authority for the crime committed or a request to the competent authority if it is an infringement, and they may also inform some other bodies which are the reasons for taking certain measures.
In addition to the powers prescribed by the new Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, the communal inspection and the militia also have certain functions, in cooperation with the local autonomous governments.
Thus, as established by the Law, local tabs are obliged to report periodically, weekly and if necessary to the Ministry of Health, on the supervision carried out, the controls and the measures implemented.
Community services in the new legal order, the companion has the opportunity to close shops, cafes, restaurants or clubs that initiate the prescribed epidemiological measures.
The Law establishes that when there are reasons of urgency when human life and health are in danger, and in cases of non-compliance with the prescribed measures during a large-scale epidemic, as well as when more people gather than prescribed, the inspectors Communals and police can verbally order certain measures to prevent such behavior.
Public service companies may order the evacuation of the facility or space in which the measures were taken, being able to prohibit the performance of activities in the facility or area where the measures are taken for a maximum of 72 hours.