
Photo: silkscreen / instagram
Believers spend this day when the Baptist was killed in prayer, abstinence, and strict fasting. In our nation, this festival has a long tradition and belongs to the group of great festivals, which are especially respected. Any work is avoided, both inside and outside the house. On this day, the whole family fasts and people gather in the temples for the liturgy.
It is widely believed that nothing red is eaten or drunk on this day, because it recalls the spilled blood of John. You should not take a knife in your hands for the same reason. It is believed that on this holiday nothing should be eaten from a plate or tray, and believers do not rejoice or celebrate. In some areas, it is taken into account that due to the progress of children, children do not eat tomatoes, peaches, apples and anything else red on this day.

This day, classified among the glories, remembers the death of Saint John, the Prophet, the Forerunner and the Baptist, executed by order of the Emperor Herod Agrippa, and at the request of his wife Herodias. Herod Antipas, son of Herod the Elder, who killed the newborn of Bethlehem at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ, was the ruler of Galilee and Perea at the time of the preaching of Jesus Christ and John the Baptist. Herod was married to the daughter of the Arab prince Aretas.
Herod forced his legitimate wife and took as a lover Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip, who was still living. John the Baptist rose up against this lawlessness and attacked Herod and Herodias in front of everyone. The ruler did not allow anyone to speak against him, Saint John soon found himself in prison. During a party at his court in Sebastián de Galilea, Salomé, the daughter of Herodías and Felipe, played in front of the guests.

Herod drunk, carried away by the fire dance, promised the player that he would give him whatever he asked, and she, at her mother’s urging, asked for the head of John the Baptist on a tray. Herod ordered that John the Baptist be killed in the dungeon and his head was placed on a plate. During the night, John’s disciples secretly took the body of the master and buried it in Sebastia. The head of the saint is buried separately, in a secret place. Later it was transferred to Jerusalem, and in the time of the Byzantine Empress Theodora, the miraculous head of the Baptist was transferred to Constantinople.
The death of Saint John took place before Easter, that is, on Easter Eve. However, the 9/11 celebration was established because the church that was built over his grave in Sevastija by Emperor Constantine and Empress Jelena was consecrated on that day.
On this holiday the blessed Patriarch Pavle was born.
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