On Saturday, a new regime in public transport will come into force



03.12.2020. 20:27

The departures on the public transport lines of the city of Belgrade will be reduced from Saturday, December 5 to working days, Saturdays and Sundays from 5.30 p.m., instead of 6.30 p.m., the Municipal Headquarters for Situations of Emergency.

GSP public transport bus bus troll

GSP city transport bus troll bus, Photo: Alo.rs/V.Đ.

According to the conclusion on the organization of regular public passenger transport in the territory of the city, which was adopted today in the session of the Municipal Headquarters for Emergency Situations, the reduction of departures on suburban and local lines will be from 6.30 pm on weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

As announced by Beoinfo, the reduction of BGvoz departures on the Batajnica – Ovča line will be on Saturdays and Sundays in the off-peak period.

The reductions will take effect on Saturday, December 5, according to the development of the epidemiological situation and more measures will be taken to correct public passenger transport in the city.

At the session, the Municipal Headquarters for Emergency Situations also approved the Order on the implementation of epidemiological measures, which was approved today by the Government of Serbia.

The order goes into effect tomorrow, December 4, and applies until December 15, 2020.
