On Monday, he worked with children in full protective gear, closed kindergartens


At the “Milka Dimanić” preschool in Vlasotince, apart from the triage nurse who was previously determined to be positive for the coronavirus, an educator is also positive, said the director of that institution, Snežana Filipović.

As she said, the educator worked with the children on Monday, in full protective gear, and today came the information that she was positive for the coronavirus.

“The educator worked Monday, fully equipped, and on Tuesday there were no children in her group and she did not work. To date, we have not had confirmation of another infected person. The educator has no symptoms and, according to protocol, will be hospitalized today in Leskovac, “he said. is Filipović, reports the portal Juenevesti.com.

As Health Center director Milena Stanković Mitrović said, after the preliminary test showed that the educator was positive, another was done and he was positive for the coronavirus.

All employees at that institution will be re-evaluated and the facilities will be disinfected.

Incidentally, the kindergartens in Vlasotince are temporarily closed as of today, according to the decision of the headquarters of emergency situations.

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