Olivera Zeki: ” Wonderful. Only Borko didn’t explain a little thing “


Belgrade – Borko Stefanovi claims that the beginning of the Miladin Kovaev story is an attempt to cover up the omissions in the case of the beating in Novi Sad. Olivera Zeki answers him.

Source: Tanjug

Zeki, the former editor-in-chief of the Borba newspaper, who once published the story about Kovaevi, says that Stefanovi, who is the vice president of the Freedom and Justice Party, instead of apologizing to the citizens of Serbia, is trying to get out of everything again.

Zeki says that from that conversation with Stefanovi for the Nova portal, it can be concluded that he had nothing to do with the Miladin Kovaevi affair, because at that time, as Zeki ironically points out, quoting Stefanovi, he “was only employed in the Ministry Of Foreign Affairs”.

Somehow it happened, says Zeki, that, at the time, “he had to take his aunt’s medicine, so he has no idea what he’s talking about. He wasn’t there. No,” Zeki adds.

He states “that he knows nothing about his aunt, but that he knows about his uncle”:

“Mirko Kovaevi, that is, his uncle, was the secretary general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and” only employed “Borko was” only employed “as chief of staff of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, also uninformed Vuk Jeremiah. And of course Neither Mirko had anything to do with the whole case, nor Vuk Jeremi, much less Borko Stefanovi, were absent ”, says the former Borba editor.

Well, as Zeki adds, Stefanovi, with the help of Nova, explained to us how a consul there was under pressure from his mother Miladin Kovaevi, he could not bear it, so he issued a travel document, and then Borko immediately returned it to BG and punished him.

” Wonderful. Only Borko didn’t explain a little thing. When did you return the consul (consuls) to Belgrade? Do we compare the dates? “Did the government first make the secret decision to pay a million dollars to repair the consequences of Miladin’s anger in America? Did Borba also publish the text on the matter first or did the consuls arrive first in Belgrade?” Zeki asked. .

Zeki assures that the people of the Ministry were punished only when the matter was revealed, and not before, and suggests to “Nova” to review it, she, according to her, did it once in “Borba.

Also, let innocent Borko explain that he knew nothing about the government’s secret decision to pay a million for Miladin (Kovaev). Does that mean that the ministry, in which he was the minister’s chief of staff, had nothing to do with that decision? Never seen him? “Didn’t the consul write, under pressure from Miladin’s mother, did he sign it and take it to the government session, break the label of” secret “and then vote?

He also asked that the consul and Miladin and Miladin’s mother not be members of the SRS, who, as he added in “Bork Declaration”, suddenly appeared as the main culprits.

“If only Vuk Jeremi had not been a secret member of the Serbian Radical Party.” Or Slobodan Homen? Boris Tadi? Did everyone get mad when Borko wasn’t there? “Just as I was not there when the police broke into Borba at that time, to repair the consequences of the matter with the arrests of journalists, because they did not hesitate to publicize and protest when it happened,” Zeki emphasized.

Now, Zeki adds, Stefanovi seems to claim that he is the “victim” of his “lai.”

“The only thing they didn’t ask Nova was, I’m sorry, what lies right?” Since Borba did not publish any information that nobody then, and later, denied. And he announced that the government had made the secret decision to pay a million dollars for Miladin Kovaev; and that he, with the help of the ministry in which Borko “was only employed,” fled America. The only thing we did not announce was that Borko was not there at the time, he was carrying his aunt’s medicine and here I apologize, ”adds Zeki.

It is something similar: apologize to the citizens of Serbia, because if you only have what is called leadership responsibility, you do not intend to do so. Instead, the victim has chosen to play arrogantly (paradoxically, but that’s the way it is), and he still lies to Miladin Kovaevi, he could not be extradited (such a member, who defends extradition, does not exist in our Constitution), intelligence tells us at the mention the Serbian Radical Party (indirectly Vuia, who was probably in New York at the time, to check on Miladin. And his mother), and tries to get out of it all over again, pretending to be crazy and claiming that he had no idea of nothing. He was “just employed” at the ICJ, says Olivera Zeki.

Stefanovi spoke to the Nova portal, which states that “Reim’s tabloids rushed against Borko Stefanovi,” a former Foreign Ministry official.

Olivera Zeki says that she is not interested, nor does she intend to interfere in that, which is why Nova.rs has decided to defend Stefanovi, adding that it has no intention of interfering in anyone’s editorial policy.

“On the other hand, I’m very interested, that’s why no one from Nova.rs contacted me and asked what I thought about what the innocent Stefanovi claims is a victim of my lies. It has to do with the profession itself, with the way someone handles it, but that’s another story, and I won’t bother, just recommending my Nova colleagues to go to the documentation, look at Borba, texts about Miladin Kovaev and the way we did it, ” Zeki said in a press release.

Stefanovi told the Nova.rs portal that Miladin Kovaevi did commit a crime in the United States and that “he escaped from the United States with the help of the consul.”

“It has undoubtedly been established that there is a responsibility of the consuls, both. Both Slobodan Nenadovic and Igor Miloev. They were urgently returned to the country for that reason, they were fired and they were criminally charged,” said Stefanovi, adding that Kovaebi were close to then Serbian Radical Party.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Technical Government, Ivica Dai, affirmed yesterday that it was impossible for the consuls to decide for themselves, without consulting, to issue a temporary travel document to Kobaev, with the help of which he left America.

It is clear, says Dai, that no one was politically responsible for this scandalous case, except that everything was transferred to the responsibility of the consuls.
