Renting 890 plastic beer cases, in an attempt to start a private business two decades ago, has cost Vladan Ignjatovic Nishli an incredible four million dinars so far, which is why his mother Olgica Ignjatovic started a protest in front of the Basic Court building in Nis.
She told reporters that her son compensated the owners for 890 rented cases of beer with empty bottles, which were stolen from her by thieves after six months of rent, and paid around 5,500 DM at the time, but the owners subsequently They sued him for the lease.
“Due to the judicial decisions on that demand for the lease, which are in conflict with the Constitution and the law, my son’s family, which also includes two minor children, fell into debt bondage. For the basic debt for leasing boxes for 198,010 dinars, the court calculated the interest. “I calculated that my son should now pay 6.1 million dinars in interest,” Ignjatović said.
According to her, the findings of the experts confirm that from 2001 to 2013, her son paid all of the debt, interest and court costs, but in September of this year, the court issued a new decision ordering her to continue paying both the basic debt like interests. . “Two years ago, my son used all possible legal remedies, but all the proposals and submissions fell into the water because the Chamber of the Executive Department of the Court of First Instance decided to continue the execution,” Ignjatović said.
He pointed out that his son fell into “debt bondage” due to “legal violence” and the application of the conforming method to calculate interest, that is, the calculation of interest on interest, even at the time he entered into force the new law, which sent the method according to the past.
“Due to the error of the court, my son and I have been fighting in the Sisyphean fight for 20 years, and they are taking half my salary or two-thirds of my salary from my salary,” Ignjatović said.
Motion rejected for stay of execution

The 2014 Nis Court of First Instance decision, which Ignjatović showed to journalists, establishes that the Court of First Instance rejected as unfounded the proposal of the debtor Vladan Ignjatović to stay the enforcement proceedings, because it did not pay the basic debt, but only part of the legal interest.
The decision states that in 2001, the court determined that Ignjatović had to pay 195,010 dinars on behalf of the principal debt and 2,034,329.31 dinars on behalf of the statutory default interest calculated by the compliant method.
The decision also establishes that the principal debt of the debtor in September amounted to 2,229,339 dinars, having to pay 5,415,162.54 dinars in the name of interest on legal delay for the period from March 3, 2001 to 2014.
In the period from February 2003 to August 2014, Ignjatović paid 3,365,719.50 dinars, so his principal debt still amounts to 2,229,339.31 dinars and the legal late payment interest is 2,049,443.04 dinars. .
Ignjatović announced that in the coming days, as long as his health allows, he will protest in front of the Court of First Instance building.
“Unfortunately, I am forced to fight for street justice for my son, when he cannot get it in court,” Ignjatović said.