Old teleprinter to log in to Linux


Mechanical keyboards, fast processors, and high-resolution displays are relatively easy to access today, making many moments of the past easily forgotten. Therefore, the old typewriter, or teleprinter, at the service of the Linux terminal is an unusual phenomenon, perhaps superfluous, and it is a new moment in ASCII art.

ICQ or ASCII art It is an artistic medium that appears mainly on presentation computers and is made up of images that make up 95 visible characters defined by the ASCII coding system. Outdated teleprinters were used to “transmit written messages automatically over a cable” so that they could be interpreted as precursors to SMS messages, only without emoticons.

A teleprinter (Model 15 Teletypewriter) from the 1930s was restored and connected to Linux, which required additional elements and the skill of the creator. The end result is, of course, very slow, slower than dot matrix printers, but it still served to successfully log into Linux and print ASCII art moments. He also saw there to try everything.

Source: PC Gamer
