OLD REQUEST TO TAKE DOGS: Mother of child (4) bitten to death released from hospital, Senta says goodbye to Daniel tomorrow


Her only son was bitten to death by two Rottweilers, and she was injured in a fight to rip him out of her jaws.

As we learn, he was admitted to KCV with bruises on his body and head and several scratches.

Her injuries were repaired and she was sent for home treatment.

The single mother, understandably, didn’t have the strength to talk about the tragedy that happened. He said goodbye to his only son with an emotional message on “Facebook.”

– I will always hug you, I will always caress you before I go to bed, we will always run around the dolma, we will always play soccer, we will always play in the middle of the room and we will see “Boss Babes”, we will always laugh and scream of happiness, we will drive forever by car and eat your favorite pizza, we will always hold hands before going to bed, I will always buy you cars, we will always go to your favorite store, we will always browse your favorite books, we will always cook … – wrote the inconsolable mother.

The house where the dogs destroyed the boy, Photo by J. Lemajić

– You will always run into people’s arms, you will always love people three times … Forever !!!

Mom loves you, my mother’s greatest jewel, you are always the heart of my heart, the soul of my soul, you are always the force I fight for, you are always the most beautiful mother, you are always the most beautiful smile, you are always all that can be forever.


Teresa B., 78, Daniel’s great-grandmother, told reporters that the boy would be buried Friday at St. Anne Cemetery in Senta. He told reporters that the boy grew up with the dogs that killed him and that the two Rottweilers and the Doberman were actually owned by his granddaughter’s ex-husband Martina.

“He begged her to take them, because he could no longer take care of them,” said the old woman.

The four-year-old boy’s life ended on his birthday. Mother and son celebrated a “wonderful day” and ordered pizza.

– When the pizza arrived, they entered the house and the mother, carrying a card with food, told the child to close the door. Daniel was standing in the doorway when he was attacked by Rottweilers who were in the yard, we unofficially found out.

– First, a male jumped on him, and then a female, who was being chased. There was also a Doberman in the yard, but he did not participate in the bloody party. The mother, like a lioness, tried to defend the child. Unfortunately, she couldn’t.

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