“Oko sokolovo” will control 121 more streets in Belgrade starting tomorrow MAP


Starting Monday, September 21, the “Oko sokolovo” system will control the illegal and proper parking of vehicles on a total of 242 streets in Belgrade.

Photo: Beoinfo

Photo: Beoinfo

The communal militia expanded the control area in another 121 streets, that is, the most critical streets for traffic in the city center, in the municipalities of Stari grad, Vračar, Savski venac, Palilula, but also in New Belgrade and Zemun.

The control was extended to the streets of Donji Dorćol, Profesorska kolonija, Neimar and Čubura, and also included the streets of the Belgrade settlement over the water and its surroundings.

Multi-functional specialty vehicles photograph improperly parked cars on yellow lanes, on tram tracks, public transport stops, crosswalks, sidewalks, sidewalks, etc., and the communal militia sends minor crime orders to the home.

“Oko sokolovo” system controls proper parking in the zone system, so if this service is not paid, it automatically creates a daily electronic ticket (eDPK).

Drivers can obtain information on the issued eDPK through the website www.parking-servis.co.rs, as well as through the new application “Parking Service”, which informs them if the eDPK has been issued for that vehicle and when the paid parking time expires.

Since the beginning of August, when the new “Oko sokolovo” system was introduced, the city of Belgrade has been constantly working on its improvement. It is envisaged that, in addition to the Communal Militia and the “Parking Service”, the system will include the scope of work of other public service companies and contribute to solving the problem. such as potholes, illegal gardens, and illegally occupied public areas, but also other communal problems on the streets of Belgrade.

List of additional streets on which “Oko sokolovo” will control illegal and proper parking from September 21:

• Albanian monuments

• Bokeljska

• Dam Crncevic

• Grimm brothers

• Brothers Krsmanović

• Buddha

• Boulevard oslobođenja

• Vatroslav Lisinski

• Velbuska

• Alto Stevan

• Government

• Vlajkoviceva

• Vojvode Vuka

• Vojvode Dobrnjaca

• Vukova

• Gastona Gravijea

• Golsvordijeva

• Border

• Crown of Gundulić

• Gundulićeva

• Davidovićeva

• Dalmatian

• Danilo Medaković

• Dobre Mitrovic

• Dobrinjska

• Dositejeva

• Dr. Aleksandar Kostić

• Dr. Dragoslav Popovic

• Dr. Miloš Radojčić

• Draža Pavlović

• Drachka

• Dubljanska

• Dubrovnik-Zemun

• Durmitorska

• George Weifert

• George Jovanovic

• Đuro Daničić

• Juice

• Emilijan Josimović

• Ivankovačka

• International Brigades

• Janko Veselinović

• Jaša Prodanović

• Jewish

• Jelena Ćetković

• Jelisaveta Načić

• South of Bogdanov

• Karnegijeva

• Katićeva

• Prince Miletina

• Prince Daniel

• Knićaninova

• Komnen Barjaktara

• Kondina

• Copernicus

• Kosovo – Zemun

• Koča Popović

• Kraljevica Marka

• Krušedolska

• Lamartinova

• Lika

• Ljubo Didić

• Ljubomir Novakovic

• Ljubomir Stojanović

• Mayakovsky

• Mother Jevrosima

• Macvanska

• Mike Alasa

• Milan Tankosic

• Milovan Milovanović

• Milorad Ekmecic

• Milorad Mitrovic

• Miloš Potcerc

• Milutin Milanković

• Miročka

• Metropolitan Peter

• Mihailo Bogićević

• Mišo Vujić

• Mome Kapora

• Heroes of the people

• Nicodemus Milas

• Nikolai Krasnov

• Nikolaja Hartviga

• Pavlović Orlović

• Osman Đikić

• Palmyra Togliatti

• Pančićeva

Patrijarha varnave

• Petar Zrinjski

• Preradovićeva

• Preradovićeva – Zemun

• Rabina Alkalaja

• Rajačić

• Ranke

• Račkoga

• Risanska

• Mining

• Sava Promenada

• Plaza Sava

• Svetozara Gligorić

• Svetozara Miletić

• Svetosavska

• Ivo de Senj

• Skadarska

• Skenderbegova

• Thessaloniki

• Stanoja Glavas

• Stojan Novakovic

• Stojan Protić

• Tadeusz Kościuszko

• Hadži Melentijeva

• Herzegovina

• Hilandarska

• Constantinople

• Montenegro

• Charlie Chaplin

• Chernyshevsky

• Čuburska

• Šajkaška

• Strossmayer

• Šumatovačka

List of streets on which “Oko sokolovo” already electronically controls illegal and proper parking:

• October 22

• March 27th

• Aviation Square

• Admiral Geprat

• Aleksa Nenadović

• Anti-fascist struggles

• Baba Višnjina • Balkan

• Trampoline

• Bežanijska

• Belgrade

• Birchaninova

• Bora Stanković

• Braničevska

• Brankova Street

• Jugović brothers

• Nedic brothers

• Despot Stefan Boulevard

• Zoran Djindjic Boulevard

• King Alexander Boulevard

• Boulevard Nikola Tesla

• Boulevard of the Arts

• Venizelosova

• Visegrad

• Višnjićeva

• Duke Petka

• Vojvode Šupljikac

• Vojislav Ilić

• Gardening

• Gabriel Princip

• Principal

• Lord of the Jews

• Master of Juan

• Master Vučić

• Milenko Grčić

• Deligradska

• Desanka Maksimović

• Dečanska

• Dimitrija Tucović

• Dobračina

• Dr. Petar Markovic

• Dubrovnik

• Student

• George Klemansoa

• Green crown

• Dragon Jovina

• Dragon of the night

• Ivana Đaje

• Ilija Garašanin

• Jovan Subotic

• South Boulevard

• Captain Mishina

• Karadjordjev trg

• Karađorđeva

• Karadjordjeva – Zemun

• Katanić

• Quay Liberation

• Kichevska

• Princess Zorka

• Princess Ljubica

• Kneza Miloša

• Kolarčeva

• Kosovo

• Captain’s cabin

• King Milutin

• King Pedro

• Queen Mary

• Crown

• Kumanovo

• Course work

• Lomina

• Macedonian

• Makenzijeva

• Maxim Gorky

• Marko Nikolić

• Masarikova

• Mileševska

• Molerova

• Mutapova

• Nebojsina

• Nevesinjska

• Nemanjina

• Nikolai Ostrovsky

• Nusiceva

• Njegoseva

• Palmotićeva

• Pariska

• Patriarch Gabriel

• Pjarona de Mondezira

• Poenkareova

• Prizrenska

• Proteus Matthew

• Professor Mihailo Đurić

• Resavska

• Rige od Fere

• Sava

• Sarajevo

• San Sava

• Svetogorska

• Svetozara Markovic

• Simina

• Skerlic

• Smiljanic

• Novak Antiques

• Stevan Markovic

• Strahinjića Bana

• Student square

• Takovska

• Terazije

• Nikola Pasic Square

• Cherry Blossom

• Uzun Mirkova

• France

• Crown of Hajduk Veljko

• Tsar Dushan

• The Nikolaja Road II

• Tsar Uroš

• Cvijić

• Cetinje

• George Washington

• Spanish fighters

Map of streets to be controlled by “Oko sokolovo” (current colors are marked in red and additional streets in blue)


