OFFENSES AND CURSES TO THE PARENTS OF THE DEAD GUARDIANS “We have suffered too much for 16 years, we just need incidents like this”


It has been exactly 16 years since the murder of two guards, Dragan Jakovljević and Dražen Milovanović, at the “Karaš” military installation in Topčider, where they were on duty. It is still unknown how his death occurred and the case is, according to the latest information from the Superior Public Ministry, in the initial phase of the process.

Following the shooting at the barracks on October 5, 2004, the army reported that murders and suicides had occurred, and subsequently an independent state commission determined that the soldiers had been killed by someone else. The same was confirmed by the FBI.

Yesterday’s commemoration remembered the family of guards killed from these murders, and lawyer Predrag Savić said that at the beginning of the commemoration there was an incident in which a middle-aged man, from the black “bat” of the records of Belgrade, insulted the families of the assassinated guards, lawyers and journalists.

Drazen MilovanovicPhoto: Private archive

Drazen Milovanovic

– He addressed the present relatives of the murdered guards, lawyers and journalists through an open window with a series of brutal curses, slander, insults and threats. He mentioned that he participated in two wars and that traitors of Serbs were present there, Savić said.

According to him, shortly afterwards, curses and insults were heard again from a Skoda vehicle.

– We call on the competent state authorities to prevent such events and, when they can no longer detect the murderers of the guards even after 16 years, to discover the perpetrators of today’s unfortunate events because everyone knows that in the case Topcider there were several more violent deaths and witness victims. that even these threats should not be taken as harmless – Savić said.

Dragan Jakovljevic and Drazen Milovanovic were killed 16 years agoPhoto: Private archive

Dragan Jakovljevic and Drazen Milovanovic were killed 16 years ago

The murdered Dragan’s father, Janko Jakovljević, told reporters what happened.

“It was terrible, I was screaming, cursing …”

– It was terrible. He yelled at us, cursed and asked loudly why we had gathered there and what we wanted. First he saw women dressed in black lighting candles, then we who were in the procession, there was me, our lawyer … And we have been suffering too much for 16 years, we only need those incidents – said Janko Jakovljević and He continued to explain that the car from the insulting the man was in a column.

Janko says she will have no peace until the case is resolved.

– As if everything has no end. It’s like they are killing my son again. I hope that everything is resolved once, but here everything is hidden there.

In 2013, the Constitutional Court ruled that the guards ‘right to life and the families’ right to a fair trial were violated because the case was too long in the initial phase of the procedure. Three expert reports, two made in the United States and one in Novi Sad, showed that they were murders. An independent state commission came to the same conclusion in 2005. Only a military investigation concluded that one soldier killed another and then himself.

Four years ago, in 2016, a commission was established to investigate all the circumstances of the guards’ suffering. The results of his work have not been released. Shortly after its founding, Vuk Jeremic, the then adviser to President Boris Tadic, was questioned, and in late 2018 Tadic was also invited for an interview. Jeremic was the first to inform Tadic about the murder and, after questioning, told reporters that it was “intimidation” due to the announcement that he would re-engage politically in Serbia. At the end of 2018, Tadić was also questioned, who announced on his Twitter account that he “responded with pleasure to the call of SBPOK because, as president, he launched an independent investigation into the death of the guards.

Due to the failure to carry out an efficient and effective investigation into the case of the deaths of two guards, the family’s lawyers submitted a petition to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg in early March this year.

Did Marash stop the investigation for a ton and a half of cocaine?

Vukasin marashPhoto: Nenad Kojadinović / RAS Serbia

Vukasin marash

The Montenegrin portal announced two years ago that the former head of the Montenegrin DB Service, Vukasin Maras, stopped the investigation into the suffering of the guards. Former Serbian and Montenegrin Army officer Sasa Reljic, who now lives in Moscow, gave a statement to the prosecution, stating that two guards were killed because of a ton and a half of cocaine that was hidden in the Topcider barracks. Tadic later told “Politika” that he had never heard before that Maras was involved in that case in any way and that it was unclear how he could have had the authority to interrupt the investigations, considering the functions he was performing at the time. Maras, who was Serbian and Montenegrin Deputy Defense Minister at the time of his death, is no longer alive.
