Milica Dabović opened her soul about the periods of poverty, the raising of heirs, the manipulations and the frauds that she faced.
Athlete Milica Dabović has a difficult past behind her, and her sore spot is her ex-partner Ljubomir Hadžistević, who, as he claims, falsely introduced himself to her as Vuk Roten, a businessman from Vienna.

He had a son, Stefan, with him, and through tears he remembered everything that happened when he realized that he had been deceived.
“My relationship was disastrous. I forgave Stefan’s father right away, but I will never be able to forgive myself. Every time I cry when I see what I allowed and how I settled in … He came up with that perfect story and when I see how liar he he is and manipulative who deceived me so much, that he came to my apartment and stole everything that Shime did not do, I met him a month after that breakup, I was the most vulnerable, I believed in fairy tales that after the rain it shines the sun and that he will be a true father Of all the men in this world, I chose the worst … But at no time, thank God, did he act like a father. All parents walk their children through the park to which we go When I see that I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. It’s difficult for me. When I go to the zoo, I lift it on my shoulders and I feel like a father and like a mother. It is my strength that moves me forward. I hope that one day someone will appear to replace the figure of his father ”, says Milica.
Our athlete reveals that her ex-partner no longer asks her to see the boy and that he is in contact with his ex-wife. And there the ball fell apart because he did not even realize that he had another son, a daughter.
“He doesn’t care about Stefan, now he tells his ex-wife that he only has one son, a daughter that I didn’t know at all. His ex-wife and I are in contact, everything happened through his godmother. The two of us met, we had “Let’s tell each other a lot. It was easier for me, I emptied my soul. He did worse to her than to me, she put up with it for ten years, at least for me, “says Milica.

With a ball of dough down her throat, she remembers how she was robbed, but as she says, the hardest thing for her is that in the moments when she had no money, her ex stole the stroller in which she was driving her son.
“I just had no luck, I did not know how to evaluate a man. I did not know that the second was worse than the first three times. The worst for me are rapists, murderers and the third type, people who steal a child’s bread . I always went by bus during pregnancy. At one point he insisted on passing in front of the shopping center we were in, which he did not want because we were not on good terms, he was looking for me, begging me to forgive him, at that moment he appeared, put us In the car, he put the stroller in the back of the trunk. I bought that stroller five days before the birth of my friends because I had no money to buy them and I never saw them again. He put them in the trunk. He stole them. the stroller. He sold his son’s stroller for 500 euros when he had no bread. I eat, and my family and friends helped me. Every time he said that he would return them and everything else stolen: phones, gold, money and everything else . He promised me and asked to see the child, I let him I mitigated, because I suppose that hope the last one dies. I thought you would change the baby, not knowing that he already has one, ”says Dabović and tells how she thought she actually lived a fairy tale before all that.
He didn’t tell me fairy tales, but he probably healed my wounds, cared for me, and cared for me. With that, Šime bought me and said: “As long as I’m alive, no one will touch you.” Then I won the European Championship, I fell in love with Šime I don’t know how many years later he said: “Is it possible that I know the man of my life? I bought an apartment, but Stefan’s father then made sure that there was nothing else. Now everything except the apartment was sold, everything I had and I got it. ” the basketball player says on her breath adding that she still thinks she will find the right man:
“I still believe in love. Everything happens for a reason, God wanted a male child for me. He is everything I wanted, the most beautiful thing, although my life experience cost me a lot. It is hard, I cried that pain. Not even the greatest enemy. I want him to be so deluded. I finally woke up from a nightmare. “


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