October 5 – actors – testimonies


Coincidentally or not, October 5 was chosen to announce the decision on the new prime minister, the day that 20 years ago large demonstrations took place in Belgrade, after which the regime of the former president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic. The demonstrations began after Milosevic refused to acknowledge the results of the presidential elections on September 24.

In those elections, Milosevic lost to Vojislav Kostunica, the joint DOS candidate, which was a compromise solution for 18 opposition parties of different ideological orientations. There are some opinions that it all started much earlier.

“Fear was shattered in 96-97. 88 days of protests that were fantastic but, unfortunately, ended for what took us another four years to receive on October 5,” says journalist Gordana Susa.

“The first demonstration was in Novi Sad. It was actually a test, it was immediately after the bombing. The opposition … we kept Novi Sad as a city. And of course I came, we made a rostrum. I looked through I have to say that we did not know if the citizens would come, if they were afraid, not afraid. At one point, suddenly, from all those streets they came and there were maybe 10,000 people. Then we saw the regime counting its last days “, recalls one of the leaders of the then opposition, the psychologist Zarko Korac.

The culmination took place on October 5 in front of the Federal Assembly, which was attended by citizens from almost all of Serbia. The columns of cars, buses and trucks heading towards the Serbian capital were tens of kilometers long. Protesters stormed the building of the National Assembly and RTS. The next day, October 6, Milosevic admitted electoral defeat. It was a joint action of political parties, independent media, individuals at the local level. The Resistance movement played an important role in mobilizing the people.

“I agree that October 5 is planned after September 24 and after Milosevic’s decision not to recognize (the election results). But Otpor had a plan of what he would do when Milosevic did not recognize the elections. because we knew he wouldn’t recognize them. ” says Sinisa Shikman, a former member of the Resistance movement.

The question of all questions about what should have been done after October 5 and has not been done. For the past 20 years, we have often heard that October 6 did not happen.

Elections for the Constituent Assembly were to be called, according to Milan st. Protic adds to the list of pending issues: “At least 100 people responsible for the policy followed during the Milosevic era had to be arrested and had to be prosecuted.”

The assassination of Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic is one of the reasons that prevented the arrival of October 6 as expected, some actors believe in the October 5 changes. There is also a diverse composition of the then DOS.

“We have never had a majority for the most radical reforms, ever. If you want to implement reforms that you think are good for a society without a majority, then it is a revolution. And if, then, a revolution is at work, then it has many negative implications. . It involves suspension of rights and things like that, “said former Serbian president and SDS leader Boris Tadic.

And the majority that formed the Democratic Party with the Socialist Party of Serbia in 2008 continues to be criticized today. Tadic says this prevented the formation of a government consisting of Kostunica, Seselj, Nikolic, Vucic, Dacic and Velja Ilic.

“We have postponed, at least, a catastrophic effect, and this government continues with European integration, don’t forget, it wouldn’t, that’s a big difference,” said Tadic.

“I am not one of those who think that October 6 did not dawn. It did dawn, but some others, who were shaking like mice, began to study on October 6, and unfortunately today they return to power,” says Siniša Šikman.
