Obradović: Dveri is initiating a request to evaluate the constitutionality of the elections scheduled for June 21


Dveri President Boško Obradović stated that the movement is initiating a request to assess the constitutionality of the elections scheduled for June 21, because, as he said, they were announced in accordance with a law and will be held in accordance with the provisions of another law.

In a written statement, Obradovic suggested that the elections be postponed for six months, and that a technical transition government be formed in the meantime.

“Well, let the best man win the democratic and fair elections. It remains to be seen if the Constitutional Court is still in isolation or if it will finally start doing its job. It remains for the citizens of Serbia to see why Aleksandar Vučić is in a hurry to elections during the pandemic, “Obradović said.

He added that the presidential elections in Poland have been postponed, the referendum on the change of the Constitution in Russia, and that the elections in northern Macedonia, which, according to him, should have been held a long time ago, have not yet been defined.

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