NUMBERS DROP, CAUTION REMAINS: Today, the decision on the use of the Russian vaccine “Sputnik V”, epidemiologists warn again


As previously announced, health workers will be vaccinated first in intensive care units, followed by outpatient clinics at health centers and admission and triage centers, then kovid hospitals, laboratories where the disease is diagnosed. viruses, then intensive care units in non-covid parts, surgical rooms and employees in health centers.

On the last day of the old year, the license from the Agency for Medicines and Health Products (ALIMS) was obtained for this Russian vaccine and the day before, 2,400 additional doses arrived in Serbia. According to Pavle Zelic of ALIMS, all deliveries are controlled and citizens can have full confidence in their safety and efficiency.

– We have to provide a dose of hope, we have approved two vaccines so far, “Fajzerova” and “Sputnik” – said Zelic. – Each delivery is controlled as soon as possible, but respecting our strict criteria so that our citizens have safe vaccines. Citizens can have full confidence because experts evaluate the safety of vaccines.

Zelic emphasized that they are ready for evaluations of other vaccines as soon as the producers submit the documentation. So far, as he pointed out, no steps have been skipped and there is nothing moot with them. The Agency for Medicines and Health Products follows the guidelines of the WHO and the EU, which allow other regulatory bodies to have their recommendations in addition to their evaluation.

Zelic stressed that the first vaccines were received by nursing home users on December 24, and since then it has been monitored whether anyone has had any side effects.

– Only one was registered within 24 hours of receiving the vaccine and there is no cause for concern. We have reason to be happy when it comes to continuing immunization. When it comes to vaccines, only the production technology is new with the “Pfizer” vaccine, but they all have the quality of safety and efficiency, so each one is good – said Zelic.

Epidemiologists, however, despite the reduction in the number of infected, warn that there is no relaxation, that the lower number of confirmed cases is a consequence of fewer people being tested, and reiterate that hospital capacities continue to be overloaded with a large number of patients. Crisis staff member Dr. Predrag Kon said that herd immunity to corona virus of about 60 percent of the population can be expected only after March, if 20 percent of the population is vaccinated.

– For the complete suppression of the virus, a herd immunity is needed, which is higher than 80 percent, that is, to vaccinate up to three million inhabitants – Dr. Kon wrote on his Facebook profile. – Serbia will provide everything necessary for mass immunization.

He added that a large number, up to 40 percent, acquired immunity after contact with the virus, by lying on kovid 19 or by having an asymptomatic infection. The result of mass immunization will depend, he believes, on the response of the population, but also on the ability not to turn it into a matter of divisions, but, as he stated, a matter of personal protection, but also of solidarity.

– The exit from this health crisis is clearly visible, the exit speed depends on us – said Kon.

The news from Čačak also shows that there should be no place to relax. Five patients died in the Kovid wards of the Čačak hospital, four in Čačak and one in Lucani.

In the third wave of the epidemic in the Moravica district, so far 200 people have lost the battle with the crown, of which 149 are from Čačak. 160 patients were hospitalized in the Kovid wards, two fewer than the day before, and 10 patients were admitted with symptoms indicating a possible infection. There were six discharges for home treatment, while 14 more difficult patients were housed in the respiratory center. Five with an extremely severe clinical picture were placed on mechanical ventilation.

At the other end of the country, in the territory of Vojvodina, of the 366 new cases of the corona virus, 150 are in Novi Sad. The number of active cases registered in the province is 31,952, in Novi Sad – 8,658, followed by Zrenjanin with more than 3,400, Pancevo with more than 1,700, Backa Palanka with more than 1,500 and Subotica and Kikinda with more than 1,300 active cases registered .


In recent days, the number of admissions to military hospitals has been decreasing. 320 patients are housed in the kovid temporary hospital “Stark Arena” in Belgrade, and just over 100 in the VMC “Karaburma”.

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