NUMBER THAT SHOWS THAT WE ARE IN A DANGEROUS AREA: The situation in Serbia is getting worse, although today there are fewer people infected


That is, it is considered that the epidemiological situation becomes very serious when the so-called “Konov coefficient”, more precisely the relationship between the number of tested and new patients, exceeds the limit of five percent, and according to the latest data, This parameter in our country is now 4.16!

The coefficient of more than four was last recorded in Serbia on July 27 in the middle of the second wave, and at that time it stood at 4.3 percent. Since that date, this coefficient has never exceeded 4, until today.

The importance of this indicator at the beginning of the fight against the coronavirus was pointed out by Dr. Predrag Kon, and as he once explained, it can be said that the epidemic is under control, and even that it is extinguished when this coefficient is less than 0 , 5 percent, that is, when only every 200 of all tested positive.

Unfortunately, based on the latest data, we are far from this safe amount, so we are approaching the critical number of 5 percent.

If we take into account the last days, it is noted that the so-called “Kon coefficient” below three percent was last recorded on October 13, and then it was 2.12.

In the next three days it fluctuated between three and four percent, and today, for the first time since July, it exceeded the amount of four percent, which should certainly be a warning for the next period and a warning to respect epidemiological measures .

In the last 24 hours, 5,456 people were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, 227 of them tested positive, while sadly two people died.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health and the “Trampoline” Institute, there are 22 patients on ventilators in hospitals throughout Serbia.

The official number of hospitalized patients, according to data from the Covid 19 site, is 372.


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