NOW WE RETIRE EVEN OLDER The border has moved and will continue


As of January 1, the new conditions for retirement and early retirement apply, so the retirement limit for women is shifted by two months. Thus, in 2021, women will be able to retire at the age of 63 years and two months and at least 15 years of experience in insurance. The same conditions as in 2020 will apply to men, that is, 65 years and at least 15 years of experience in insurance, reports Tanjug.

In addition to this basis for the old-age pension, insured persons of both sexes can exercise this right from 45 years of insurance, regardless of age.

As of January 1, 2021, the conditions for exercising the right to an early old-age pension are changing, so that men will need 40 years of insurance experience and 59 years of life, and women at least 39 years and four months of insurance experience and 58 years and four months of life. In this case, the pension is permanently reduced by 0.34 percent for each month before the prescribed age for acquiring the right to the old-age pension in that calendar year, and the total amount of the reduction for the anticipated old-age pension it can reach a maximum of 20.4 percent.

As the current Law on Pensions and Disability Insurance predicts, the difference in the retirement conditions of men and women will be until 2032. Then, citizens of Serbia will need a regular pension, as well as men: 65 years and 15 years of service . Therefore, until then, in the next 14 years, unless the law is changed, the retirement age of women will gradually increase.
