Now finally, Grizman has rejected both wins!


What is for sure is a player who will certainly not be the subject
of the Barcelona and Inter negotiations is Antoine Grizman. French is already in
announced in March that he did not want to get involved in any trade,
Both Inter and PSG for Neymar.

He will not go to France, he thinks the league is too weak.
Inter, this combination is not realistic. Because, however, Conte loved him so much
Grizman, what is clear is that his salary is 20 million euros.
it simply comes from all the Italian budget frameworks.

Then Grizman would stay, and Inter last accepted him with 90
million euros take another player, Vidal does, it is still that
We see

Only Barcelona does not have the money to look for the clause, and the Italians
No hurry. After all, they don’t want to sell Lautar, who with
the other side won’t even hear about the new contract, but it just will
to go to the Camp Nou.

Aside from Lautar, since Neymar is an impossible mission, Barsa plans
rehearsal with the bum Semedo for Kansel, to get the Portuguese out
Sitia, and for some other further amplification of money there is, especially not
you can get rid of Kutinje, Dembele and Umtiti.
