Now everyone is responsible for protecting themselves from the deadly virus


DR KON BY POST ON EMERGENCY BEHAVIOR - Everyone is now responsible for protection against the deadly virus

Photo: Beta / Government of Serbia / Slobodan Miljević, Zorana Jevtić

The state of emergency will be lifted in Serbia tomorrow, on Saint George’s day! However, experts say that certain measures against the epidemic will continue, and that personal responsibility is of crucial importance in the coming period.

– If everything goes according to plan, the state of emergency is lifted in Djurdjevdan. The proposal will reach the Assembly on Wednesday, and after it is adopted and published in the Official Gazette, it will come into force: the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, announced the day before.

photo: Курир

At the initiative of the Ministry of Defense, the Government of Serbia agreed in yesterday’s session that the President and Prime Minister send a joint proposal to the National Assembly to lift the state of emergency because “the epidemic flow of kovid-19 decreased and the intensity of virus activity decreased. ” A disease of public health importance that presents a hazard of the highest degree of risk. This practically means that the curfew will be abolished on Thursday, the police and the army will withdraw from the streets and the movement will normalize. However, Dr. Predrag Kon, an epidemiologist and crisis staff member, pointed out to Kurir that the emergency measures remain in place within the declaration of a particularly important epidemic, that the state did everything it could, but that now everyone’s responsible behavior is crucial. of us individually. – Even after the lifting of the state of emergency, the ban on public gatherings, the work ban on schools, theaters and cinemas will remain. There will be an obligation to wear protective gear on public transportation, and to wear masks indoors like shops and markets, we’ll see if that will be formulated as a ban. In any case, a clear recommendation from the profession is that these measures be respected – Kon emphasized, specifying that instead of prohibiting contacts, the recommendation will be to avoid contacts.

photo: Курир

He said that people over 65 will not be prohibited from moving, that is, that they will not apply special measures, but they will have to take personal responsibility to protect themselves from this deadly virus. – There are still recommendations to avoid contacts and maintain a physical distance of two meters. This applies to everyone, especially to fellow citizens over 65 and the chronically ill. They will not be prohibited from moving, but they will have to decide for themselves where they will move and how much. The most important thing is to maintain a physical distance and maintain themselves. It is now up to them to assess whether they are at risk of contracting a fatal disease. The risk is much lower than it was, but the virus is still present and we must learn to live with it, at least until the vaccine is available, Dr. Kon said, adding that the crisis headquarters will continue to inform the public. on the circulation of the virus so that citizens could assess how to behave accordingly.

Kon stated that the 14-day quarantine remains in force upon entering Serbia, but that decisions will be made in accordance with international agreements and measures.


This is how you should protect yourself

  • Avoid contacts and social distancing
  • Physical distance of two meters
  • Wear masks and gloves indoors, especially where there is a greater movement of people.
  • Those over 65 and people with chronic illnesses should not go out unnecessarily



  • Prohibition of public assembly
  • Ban on schools, theaters and cinemas, parties without an audience.
  • There will be an obligation to wear protective equipment on public transportation.
  • Urban transport will be used in four phases, and initially only employees will be able to travel.
  • In catering facilities, it will be necessary to maintain a social distance and use protective equipment.
  • The borders will be closed for some time.
  • After the opening of the borders, there remains the mandatory 14-day isolation measure for citizens returning to our country.

Cross section condition


Until yesterday at 3 in the afternoon in Serbia, 93 new cases of 4,550 evaluated in the previous 24 hours were registered, so the positivity is 2.09 percent. Four more people have died from kovida-19 in the past 24 hours. Ružica Kantar Photo: Beta / Government of Serbia / Slobodan Miljević, Zorana Jevtić

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Author: Delivery courier
