Novi Sad says goodbye to his Djolet between tears and silence: it was a reflection of our soul (PHOTO) – Culture


Freedom Square in Novi Sad was full of soul tonight. In silence, with dignity, with tears, with disbelief, the fellow citizens delivered mail, lit candles at the Miletić monument in the main square of Novi Sad to Đorđe Balašević.

Novi Sad says goodbye to his Djolet between tears and silence: it was a reflection of our soul (PHOTO) 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / DRAGAN GOJIC / DS)

Everything was spontaneous, at one point a silent applause because, someone brought the sound system, placed the speaker in the monument and the music began in a low voice. Jolet’s songs, in a low voice, with sighs, everyone sang … Children on the shoulders of their parents, all cried. It’s difficult tonight in Novi Sad …

Heart-shaped candles, poster at the monument… and sobs. The last time the people of Novi Sad met in silence and common pain was when the bridges over the Danube disappeared … They also remembered tonight how Đole was a “reflection of our soul” and how great he was behind us in All these difficult decades , not infrequently, but always, illuminated the cheek, honor and honesty. And illuminated the soul. And he built bridges, the most important, between people. That’s why it was “ours” for everyone.

Legendary singer-songwriter Djordje Balasevic passed away as a result of pneumonia at the Vojvodina Clinical Center.

Teacher. Dr. Radmila Marinkovic-Neducin

“This is the real Novi Sad. Djole is our Novi Sad. Tonight here, this silent audience, we are all crying, we are Novi Sad. It is more than a legend. It is a reflection of our soul. I am very sorry that from now on We can only hear it, but we will see it. We will see it in all those performances that we watched with great pleasure. “

Novi Sad says goodbye to his Djolet between tears and silence: it was a reflection of our soul (PHOTO) 11
Photo: Gordana Nonin

Zoran Bulatovic Bale

“I can’t say anything now. I’m just crying I feel weird … I don’t know any of his songs to play, no lyrics, no stuff … but it’s the spirit that’s present. And now it’s gone and it was so embedded in everything, both in us and in everything around us. Only in every pore of all of us. It is here. “

Branislava Kostić

Today, pain has brought all parts of our former homeland of Yugoslavia together. Balašević is the only one who could, at least in pain, unite Novi Sad and Sarajevo, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Niš, Subotica … Because he was a man who was equally easy to receive into his soul by teachers, cleaners, doctors in sciences, paori and teachers, engineers and traffickers … Both “ours” and “her”. It belonged to everyone and was “ours” to everyone. So today we are all speechless. Because the most difficult thing is when someone really yours leaves.

Robert Kolar

“This is a day that will be deeply engraved in the memory of all of us. Today we have lost a man who was part of our identity. I’m sorry. I was not personally a friend of Balašević, but, as a native of Novi Sad, I feel the loss of a part of my identity. In my opinion, neither architecture, nor streets, nor boulevards are the identity of the city, but of the people. And among the people, George was without a doubt the greatest. “

PUF / United Phantom Movement

Novi Sad says goodbye to his Djolet between tears and silence: it was a reflection of our soul (PHOTO) 12
Photo: Gordana Nonin

“We immediately came from Zrenjanin to pay tribute to the great singer-songwriter George Balasevic. We grew up with his songs, we went to his concerts… We especially remember a period of student days and protests during the nineties, especially the song “Living Free” was important to us. And all the songs on that album… He was a true legend and we were all surprised by the news of his death. We had a plan to meet him personally, to consult with him about some of our things related to our vocal-satirical performances, further promotion of PUF, but we won’t be able to do it now. Now we have a great desire to record a song about him. Just about him. We will do that. “

Milica Stojanov

“When I heard the news, I felt like something hurt in my chest. It was very difficult for me. I started crying. It is very difficult for me. I have the feeling that the whole world is over.”

Branislav Sekulić

“Now I have come from Vrbas. This is one of the saddest days of my life. Djole marked our youth, our education, our love … everything. Not only the people who live in Novi Sad, in Vojvodina, but in all the region. I heard tonight that they gather in squares like in Novi Sad and in Zagreb, Sarajevo, Podgorica, Skopje, Ljubljana … This is the last man in this area who can gather people like that to see him off with tears in the soul and face. He really deserved it, with his texts he asked for peace, calm, love, connection, and he made the best of people come to light. He is also present tonight, you can only feel that positive energy that Djole knew how to provoke. The atmosphere is sad, but also this calm music and these tears. Cultural and dignified… for Đoleta.

Milenko vujic

“This is the day that each of us has lost a part of ourselves. Djole marked every important moment of my life. I think that is the case for all the citizens of Novi Sad. I cannot accept the fact that I do not more songs will be sung to us at the concert, live. I can’t accept the fact that you sang the last concert in Novi Sad, for your audience, last year for Epiphany. Thank you for everything. “

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