Novi Sad Police: We are not hiding anything, we are solving the case – Society


– The Head of the Novi Sad Police Administration, Milorad Šušnjić, stated tonight that the police are not hiding anything in the case of beating a 28-year-old on Jevrejska street, but that they are working on his clarification from the moment in which this fact was reported.

Novi Sad Police: We are not hiding anything, we are solving case 1Photo: Beta / Dragan Gojić

It stated in a written statement that “the attempts by certain politicians and media outlets to mislead the public by claiming that the police wanted to hide something are not only inaccurate, but malicious and biased.”

“Not only was the competent prosecutor informed of everything at the same time, but so far there have been conversations with the injured party, but also with several people who were present at the scene that night,” Šušnjić said, noting that they had been made official reports. notes and the complainant was informed.

Earlier in the day, the police announced that they were intensively searching for IK (30), on suspicion that he hit the 28-year-old man several times on the head and body, as a result of which he lost consciousness and then fell broke both forearms.

As reported by N1, referring to its findings, the suspect is a Montenegrin citizen Ivan Kontić, a member of the security of the MaxBet bookmakers and a business partner of the owners of those bookmakers.

Also that the victim was involved in the security of those facilities, and that the reason for the beating was supposedly unresolved business relationships.

A video has appeared on social networks in which a young man beats another and continues to brutally beat him while he was lying helpless on the ground and breaking his arms.

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