Novi Sad – coronavirus – a master incenses the corona


The fourth grade teacher of the primary school “Ivo Lola Ribar” in Novi Sad suggested to the parents of the viber group that they smoke incense in the classroom before the start of classes and that the children pray to “protect themselves” from the virus, writes today the portal

According to the text, a large part of the parents accepted his idea, and the mother who opposed that idea is currently being “lynched” in the mentioned group.

“Do you agree to light incense in our classroom every day before school starts and pray the ‘Our Father’ prayer,” wrote the teacher, who also teaches religious education classes at the school, the day before start school.

Judging by the messages, 18 parents voted “in favor” and five “against”, and among them was the child’s mother, who is now accused of “undermining” the whole idea, just because she reminded them that we live in a secular state and that in there are also children of other religions in the class, as well as those who are not educated by their parents in a religious spirit.

“We remain a secular state and we have a Constitution that must be respected, since the rights of the child must be respected. Because of the position I expressed, I am currently being ‘lynched’ in the parent group, and things have gone so far that we think we will transfer the child to another school, ”this woman from Novi Sad told

Noting that she was not the only one with this attitude, but was the only one who expressed it publicly, she said that she had nothing personal against the teacher or religion, but that she considered that it had no place in school, apart of religious education classes for children whose parents decided.

The parent of another child, who did not agree with the teacher’s proposal, agrees to go to school out of knowledge and not belief.

“In my opinion, there is nothing to vote on or discuss. My son goes to school to be educated and it is up to us as parents to decide whether to raise him as a believer or as an atheist, and no one has the right to make that decision. Brings instead of us, “said this father.

Despite the fact that the teacher’s proposal was mostly adopted by the parents in the viber group, the management of the primary school “Ivo Lola Ribar” still did not accept this viber “vote”.
