
The photo of Novak Djokovic with “Draza” brandy, which he received as a gift, sparked violent reactions in the region.

In Croatia and Bosnia, they immediately forgot how much the Serb did for the development of their tourism and how many nice words he said about the people of their countries. They brutally beat the best tennis player in the world!

Thus, “” conveys the words of Dragan Bursać:

They seem naive about the statement again, you don’t need this, Nola. I wouldn’t want to ruin your snowman, but it looks like he needed it, otherwise he would just refuse to pose with a Chetnik slit.“Bursac wrote on Twitter.

The portal “Avaz” condemns Djokovic because he carries in his hands a brandy box with “the image of a war criminal from World War II.”

The media in Croatia are also vying for who will criticize the Serbian ace the most.

The respectable portal “” also notes that he was photographed with a bottle of brandy bearing the name of a “Chetnik criminal”.

Mihailović, whose Chetniks committed serious crimes against Croats and Muslims in World War II, and who was convicted and shot by communist authorities in 1946 for collaborating with the occupiers and war crimes, was officially rehabilitated in 2015 by the High Court of Belgrade.“he writes” “.

Croatian media
photo: Printskrin

The “Jutarnji list” was even harsher on the Serb.

On that controversial bottle of brandy is the image of the former leader of the Serbian Chetniks, Draža Mihailović. Novak likes to “sting” a little from time to time, he likes to tease a little, he likes to kick up dust. But, perhaps this time he exaggerated a bit, considering that much of the media and fans of the world will not see this kind of thing favorably. It is true that the Serbs rehabilitated the war criminal Mihailović five years ago, but Novak does not really need this part of the “image”. The brandy was given to him by the owner of the company that produces it, and on it, in addition to the image of the Chetnik leader, there is also an inscription: ‘produced in honor and glory of the heroes of Ravna Gora‘”Jutarnji writes.

Croatian media
photo: Printskrin

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