Novak Djokovic is the biggest donkey in the history of professional sports!



11.09.2020. 21:44

Thus, the well-known site “The daily beast” brings a scandalous text about the best Serbian and world tennis player.


“Novak Djokovic is the biggest donkey in the history of professional sports” is the title of the text on the mentioned site.

The author of the text once admired Novak, but changed his mind due to Djokovic’s attitude towards the coronavirus vaccine, remembering how our ace had guru Imaz for a year and a half and won “zero grand slams” during that time. , and then for its vegan form. of life.

Will the opinion of those who hate Novak ever change?

Then the tour organization Adria is attacked and tells how the shirtless tennis players dance in the discos and then they get the crown. We can reach a key problem, that is, Djokovic’s decision to found the Association of Professional Tennis Players and declare a “war” on the ATP circuit, which they call “a kind of organization for the protection of men’s rights of tennis players, because tennis players didn’t deserve to earn as much money as tennis players. “

Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic, Photo: EPA / ChristopheKaraba

Of course, special attention is paid to the US Open and the “accidental throwing of the ball to the linesman”, which resulted in a penalty for Novak, but also “death threats to the referee”, which is, as they say in the text, just the tip of the iceberg of idiocy.

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