Novak deserves respect, he will show who the boss is.


Novak Djokovic is different, maybe sometimes there are too many, but he does great things for tennis.

It wasn’t easy for him to break through with Federer and Nadal, says Justin Enan in an exclusive interview for “Blic,” once the world’s best tennis player and winner of nine Grand Slam titles, and now a professional consultant at Eurosport.

– It would start from the beginning, from its appearance. You know, it’s not easy to break through the period of Rafa Nadal and Roger Federer, who are great champions, just like Novak. Two are fine, but the third … how to put it … is always a surplus. And he went out of his way to show that he was part of the Big Three, as they are called today. And he achieve it. It is difficult for me to analyze which of the three gave the most, which is the best. It is also thankless, because each of them is special in their own way. However, Novak was the one who had to break through. You probably did something along the way that others didn’t like, but that’s normal in professional sports. He’s very energetic, and maybe there was too much of him sometimes, if you understand me. As if he hadn’t found peace yet. Of course, when you have a lot of different personalities and play styles. Novak is different in a way, but we have to respect what he does for tennis. He deserves it. I’m sure Novak will want to show who’s boss, Justin Enan told us.

Novak Djokovic


Novak Djokovic

And what the famous Belgian says about the upcoming Australian Open, about what she is doing now and how she experiences the sport during the pandemic, read in tomorrow’s “Blic”.
