Nova S and NewsMax Adria tell UNS: Journalists about journalism, not cameramen


Employees of the Nova S and NewsMax Adria newsrooms responded with a statement to today’s call from the Association of Serbian Journalists for journalists N1, Nova S and to resist, as they stated, pressure from owners.

The Nova S and NewsMax Adria announcement airs in its entirety:

UNS is in a statement accused journalists working in the media within United Media, as well as journalists from Nova S, of not working professionally and of violating the ethical standards of journalism by reporting in the event of publishing information on a judicial decision in Switzerland , and on the claim of Mr. Dragan Solak, one of the United Group co-owners.

The statement came as a result of the dissatisfaction of the UNS after a Swiss court ruled not to give the association the verdict it handed down in the Sholak trial against various Serbian media outlets.

The reason for the UNS to decide on such a step is not clear, unless they want to underestimate the work of journalists who are one of the few who work in Serbia respecting the code of ethics.

The UNS is not a Press Council and this behavior is more like a media revenge of those who believe that belonging to such an organization is proof that they are journalists. The UNS is an organization with a turbulent past, which, due to its submission to the authorities in the 1990s, was left without journalists who had nerve and honesty and who had a certain journalistic credibility.

A book has been written on the responsibility of UNS members in promoting war and war policy and the policy of ethnic cleansing, and the dishonesty of some members of that organization has become an example of how not to work if you are a journalist

Nor are Nova S journalists obliged to report to an association in which there is a majority of members of the media who directly and daily violate all journalistic rules, nor is that association worthy of talking about whether some other journalists, especially Real journalists work according to the standards of the journalistic profession.

Only our editors and journalists decide what will be published and how, which unfortunately, due to such an attitude, are every day the target of powerful people from politics, business and quasi-paranoid circles.

The UNS could start by knowing its membership, and most of the members are people who work in the so-called public services, how to do their job in a professional way, they could declare their members’ responsibility for inciting to report on the war during wars in the former Yugoslavia, yes. Returning property that does not belong to you, so that you can be worthy of discussing journalism and journalistic ethics with other colleagues.

Until then, we invite you to follow our program closely because you have something to see and hear there.

Employees in the Nova S / Newsmax Adria newsrooms:

Jelena Aleksic, Milan Pavicevic, Kristina Saric, Maja Nikolic, Danilo Masojevic, Slobodan Georgiev, Rada Djuric, Aleksa Maksimovic, Zeljko Veljkovic, Pera Vukasinovic, Marko Copic, Marko Novicic, Anita Ikanovic, Marija Boskovic, Vladimir Kjana Jovic, Jelena Nemanja Jovic Kikić, Žana Bulajić, Goran Dimitrijević, Nemanja Vranjković, Jelena Nešić Milić, Dejan Špoljić, Jasmina Dobrilović, Nikola Jovanović, Vera Nikolić.
