Zoran Gojković’s sister supplied the RHIF


Sabac’s PTM company, from which RHIF purchased some 200 million dinars worth of medical equipment, “underlining” that under urgent public procurement during the epidemic, it is owned by Zorica Sakan, the born sister of the provincial health secretary and crisis staff coordinator Zoran Gojkovic, writes

According to data from the Trade Records Agency, Gojković-born Zorica Šakan has a 100 percent ownership stake in the aforementioned company, of which her husband Milorad Šakan is the director. Apart from the two, the company has no members of the board of directors or supervisors, it is written

During the state of emergency, “due to the epidemiological situation and the increase in the number of people infected with the SARS – CoV – 2 virus” in July, the RHIF carried out an emergency public procurement amounting to 1.5 billion dinars, intended for equipment and treatment of patients with kovid, write this portal. In the negotiated procedure, RHIF invited eight companies dealing in medical equipment, including PTM from Šabac, owned by Gojković’s sister, to tender for the procurement of medical and medical supplies.

This company was registered in 2002, and as the predominant activity in APR, the “repair of other personal and household items” is noted, according to

Likewise, PTM is managed as an auditor, which is mandatory for all companies whose revenues exceed 4.4 million euros. In the July acquisitions alone, PTM earned a total of more than 500 million dinars, according to

Source: screenshot

As they say, for 168 million dinars, the RHIF bought equipment from Gojković’s sister, the purchase of which was not urgent in any way, and some of them are not even in the treatment protocol for those infected with coronavirus.

According to, in the midst of the pandemic, Zorica Šakan bought an 87 million dinar laparoscopy column, drainage bottles, surgical staplers, but also the most modern video endoscopic capsules, which, equipped with a camera and light LEDs, are used to record thin and thick. bowels.

The same company was also responsible for purchasing disinfectants, blood warming systems and disposable coats worth 168 million dinars.

Approximately 38 million dinars for surgical compresses went to the acquisition of PTM, as well as non-sterile covers for operating tables, for which almost 50 million were reserved, writes this portal.

In mid-August, sent questions to RHIF to explain the purchase of this equipment, but to date they have not been answered. In addition, they asked the same question to the provincial secretary Zoran Gojković, whose sister all this equipment was bought, but no answer came from that side either.

Transparency Serbia says that this whole acquisition of the RHIF is debatable and that it is obvious that it was manipulated. “The mere fact that out of 37 parties, only two received two offers shows that the entire contracting was rigged. The only question is whether it was created by companies selected from among them or whether the RHIF initially invited certain companies knowing in advance that there will be no competition”. says Nemanja Nenadić of Transparency.

He also pointed out that a public procurement carried out in this way can only be justified if the urgency is such that a week could not be waited or that human life depends on it, which cannot be said for video capsules for colon imaging.
