Editor: Without a plan for non-kovid patients, 40,000 of them are on waiting lists


Milenko Vasović, editor of the portal, said in Novi Dan that the government is responsible for not having a plan for sick people who do not have coronavirus, stating that there are 40,000 people on waiting lists, and that, due to the new situation, only a few are discussed. thousand per month.

Even before the appearance of the crown, we were a nation that can be said to be sick, because we were leading the way in Europe in terms of cancer, cardiovascular disease; These diseases did not disappear, with the appearance of the crown they simply passed into the background. Those chronic diseases, only they know about them, Vasović said, as a guest on New Day.

He also estimates that a “better set of authorities would not be more successful in dealing with these problems” because our health care system has been “rusty, collapsed and slow” for a long time, with many problems, from lack of equipment to lack of staff and capacity. “It is unlikely that in a health system like this, no other group of authorities can better mobilize and fight better with what has happened to us. But I am concerned that we will see in practice a total lack of care for those who have other health problems. health, and not the coronavirus. We do not have a plan of what we will do with these people, those waiting lists for exams are increasing for us, “he said.

He says he looked at those lists and saw that some 40,000 people were waiting for tests, collectively, and that several thousand people were being tested and removed from those lists every month. The question arises of how many years then these people on the lists should be cured and operated. In that sense, it is a great responsibility of this government, because I do not see that they are doing anything, and there are ways, says the guest of the New Day.

It raises the question why the private healthcare sector is not included in the Serbian healthcare system, so that people are treated by private individuals at the expense of the RHIF, because, as it emphasizes, it is an emergency situation. If the health fund could have signed a contract for the treatment of our people in Turkey a few years ago, why couldn’t it with private clinics? Right now, it is very important to help people and not to calculate whether it is a private or state practice, Vasović says, adding that the Fund does not care whether it will pay for hip or knee surgery at the Banjica Institute or a private clinic.

Both patients and doctors have problems here, he notes. Our hospitals are overwhelmed with covidual patients and each of us may need medical help, he adds.

Commenting on the statement of the president of the Union of Physicians and Pharmacists Rade Panic, who said the healthcare system had broken, says that he believes that we have not yet reached the most difficult situation and that the most difficult period is yet to come, when we look at the number of infected on a day-to-day basis.

He also recalled the irresponsible behavior of the public during the call The Black Friday said that it does not serve the honor of the citizens or the authorities. “I think there were ways to hint at merchants to postpone those sales, I think it was wise to prevent so many people from gathering in such a small space. This feels like last spring when we organized soccer games,” he said.

He hopes that the opening of new covid hospitals will relax the situation a bit, for a few weeks, but adds that the question also arises: who will work. Recalling that it was announced that about 700 people are needed for the Kovid hospital in Kruševac, he asks when the competition will be announced, if not yet, and there are two weeks left before the start of work, when these people will get used to it, stating that it seems to him that everything is done spontaneously.

We push the real situation under the rug by bringing up a topic and talking about it. the history of the vaccine dominates now, and we will wait for it, we must survive until it arrives, he emphasized.

He claims that his story about vaccines is similar to that of getting a respirator. “Where did we get it from, how much did we get, where did we call, which brother called us on the phone … And we still don’t know how much we bought, since when and at what prices,” he said.

Vasović fears that we will enter another contract that will be wrapped in secrecy. “I will remind you of a strange detail. The brother of the President of the Republic (Andrej Vučić) was on a military parade in Moscow. We never found out who took that man to Moscow and who paid for his trip, if he was a member of the state delegation .. I guess it’s time to find out … We know very little about how our money is spent, even on examples that are clean. If someone traveled, someone had to pay for it, “he said.

Commenting pproclamation of the Serbian ambassador in Podgorica as persona non grata, and reciprocal measures of Serbia, Vasović says that it seems to him that on the Podgorica-Belgrade route, “we take every opportunity to blow things up”, increase tension and make things worse. Vasović considered the convening of an emergency meeting inappropriate. About that, and about the problems of the opposition in a separate story.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
