Notification of infectious diseases has not started with kovid, it has been going on since they existed


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said on the Hit Tweet program that an SNS session will be held tomorrow at 5 pm on the initiative of President Aleksandar Vučić.

Brnabic said there is no doubt that the main topic of tomorrow’s session will be the composition of the new government, adding that he does not know if President Vucic will announce the names of the new members on October 5.

– We have a party meeting tomorrow at 5 pm, at the initiative of President Vučić. I still don’t know what the issues are, but I think the main thing will be the formation of the government – said the Prime Minister of Serbia.

Photo: TV Pink / screenshot

He added that the opposition media “totally agree” and then those lies continue.

– One of the examples was Ranko Panić, who said that the crisis personnel would introduce a state of emergency from October 1 – said Brnabić, adding that they were asking their interlocutors to lie and that it would come true if they did not react in time. .

– These are the matrices of lies, lies, lies and fabrications … It is a great compliment to us that they do not attack any of the results – added the Prime Minister.

– Aleksandar Vučić and the SNS are unique because there is not a party and a man with so much support, but also a willingness to share power – said Brnabić.

On the occasion of the headline in the media, Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević said that she was not being talked about as the new Minister of Health.

“We have an answer to the Albanian provocations”

When asked if we have an answer to the provocations from the Albanian side, Brnabic said yes, but that it is not simple.

He added that Aleksandar Vučić worked diligently to change the opinion of the great powers on the Kosovo issue and raise it again, as well as that he was willing not to hide difficult decisions and explain them.

– He put things in their place on a chessboard … So the first big difference for me was to form the Serbian List, and that meant the unity of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija. The first time we saw the unity, you saw the nervousness in the ranks of the Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, and then Aleksandar Vučić worked on it, and for at least two years we did not hear the term “Two Sides”. It is almost impossible to exclude such terms from world politics, and Aleksandar Vučić succeeded, Brnabić noted.

Dr. Tepavcevic pointed out that we all know from various segments of life that conflicts never go away on their own and that all frozen conflicts mostly end in the same way, and Nagorno-Karabakh is an example of that.

– The duration of the frozen conflict also hurts us, but it is we who are willing to compromise – declared Kisić Tepavčević.

Victims of the crown

Dr. Kisić, stating that the campaign against the crisis site started with their slip, said that they were not victims and that they were just doing their job.

– We are not a victim, we are just doing our job, and everyone has had enough of the crown. We appear in the media and we talk about things that are mentioned every day and that is why they mark us as guilty, because everyone has had enough of the crown – says Dr. Kisić.

By Darija Kisic TepavcevicPhoto: TV Pink / screenshot

By Darija Kisic Tepavcevic

He said the crown knows no borders at all, adding that when it comes to infectious disease reports, “it didn’t start with kovid, but it has been going on for as long as they existed.”

Dokotrka explained that the notification of infectious diseases works by doctors who send data to the authorities and everything flows to Trampoline.

– For the first time in regards to this pandemic, we wanted to have transparent data and for the first time we had an information system … We communicate everything every day. At no time, at no time, did we publish data different from what they arrived – said Kisić Tepavčević.

She explained that no one forbade anyone from doing their job, but the data kept coming in.

He noted that 170 health centers, 24 institutes and institutes enter data and that hundreds of people are involved.

– I have to mention the enormous work of fellow epidemiologists … We thank our fellow clinicians … It is an illusion that we did not wear coats. Epidemiologists are burning brightly and will only work intensively, he said.

Speaking about why there are constant attacks on crisis personnel and the state, Prime Minister Brnabić said:

– Because we have politicians in the opposition who are too rich, who became rich because they were in power for 10 years and now they have means through which they attack the government, to return to it … Nothing is sacred, everything can be done attack – said the Prime Minister.

He noted that the stories that are being posted are not helping anyone.

“No evidence”

Speaking of Jelisaveta Vaselić’s accusations against Andrej Vučić, Brnabić said that he doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry at this statement, and that those accusations have no proof.

– This is proof on your side that we are doing well, because they are not attacking the results … Today we have as many foreign investors as they had in the three best years together … Everything is growing, the economy is great , historically unemployment is never lower, employment never bigger, everything goes as it should, and they invent those things – said Brnabić.

He affirmed that Marinika Tepic’s political ideology is to come to power, barely changing six parties in one year.

– We are doing everything possible to move Serbia forward … I feel sorry for our families and Aleksandar Vučić’s family … They are trying to completely dehumanize him – Brnabić pointed out regarding the attack on the President of Serbia and his family.

He also pointed out that his brother is being attacked for buying what is not and that workers cannot respond to lies and accusations every day.

Ana BrnabićPhoto: TV Pink / screenshot

Ana Brnabić

Brnabic emphasized that not all politicians are the same and that she is not the same as Djilas, Jeremic, Marinika Tepic and Obradovic.

– I work for future generations … And for the Anti-Corruption Council, either present evidence or do not tarnish the name of the Council because it should remain for generations, Brnabić said.

“October 5 – 20 years later”

Regarding the opposition’s statements that it will carry out the purge on October 6, he said that that part of the opposition wasted 13 years with us.

– On October 5, the country opened. I was with my heart and soul for these changes … Then we saw the continuation of total devastation economically, at the moment when huge amounts of money entered Serbia, I don’t know where they ended up, that is, I know – in their pockets, because in medical care they did not, they did not go to the roads, they did not join the army because they completely destroyed it – Brnabić noted.

As she said, these people ate and devoured us all for 13 years and added that the worst of the worst met there.

– In 2013, Serbia is moving towards its development and moving in the right direction – noted the Prime Minister of Serbia.

Commenting on the opposition’s announcement that they will “defend with their bodies” the demolition of the Railway Bridge, Brnabić says that part is mostly against something.

– Say what we say, they are against … If only they had painted that bridge in those 13 years … When you see Belgrade in the water, they are against Belgrade in the water – said Brnabić.

According to her, that part of the opposition is against everything that is announced to be done.

– When it gets to the point that they are against the Moravian Corridor, the Peace Highway, which is so important to the Serbs of Kosovo and Metohija … They don’t need anything – said Brnabić.
