Not all travel agencies put the key in the lock


THERE ARE AGENCIES THAT PASS THE CREDIT GUARANTEE TABLE: Not all travel agencies put the key in the lock

Illustration, Photo: EPA / DIMITRIS TOSIDIS

After the new situation in Serbia and according to the media, the possibility that travel agencies are left without licenses, from the competent ministry, but also from certain agencies, these complaints were denied.

Illustrationphoto: Nemanja Nikolić

The tourist inspection will not revoke the licenses of the agencies, travel organizers, until a solution is found to the problem, which arose due to the decision of the insurance companies not to issue more insurance policies.

It is expected to get out of this situation in the next seven to 10 days, at which time the issuance of bank guarantees should be considered as a model to guarantee travel safety, at the time of concluding tourist procedures. However, it does not mean much to all agencies, because only the strongest will have money for them.

Due to this situation, the director of the Travelland travel agency, Miloš Jovović, also spoke and pointed out that the agency had passed the credit meeting.

photo: Private archive

– As one of the most insoluble agencies, we passed the credit board to obtain a bank guarantee and we hope for a solution soon, because obviously someone did not finish their work. The whole story is constantly degrading our industry and we demand that an “investigation” be carried out on those who did not pay their debts to the insurance companies, because Travelland absolutely and irrevocably denies this truly disgusting and devastating news, which permeates the media for days and disturbs constantly our business. Whoever is drowning in the mud, let him drown alone, and do not drag us – said Jovović for the SrbijaDanas portal.

In the last month, many associations have warned the authorities that their licenses expire on October 1, as well as that insurers no longer want to issue policies, due to the alleged excessive risk in business, which would mean a key to the lock. However, a meeting was held between the authorities of the Ministry and the representatives of the Association of Banks, in which the issue of bank guarantees was discussed.

– Representatives of the Association of Banks will present a proposal of the procedure for the operation and eventual activation of the bank guarantees at the end of the week. This model of travel guarantee has never been used in practice, although it is foreseen by the Tourism Law. The procedure adopted will be incorporated into the new Rulebook on travel guarantees. Representatives of the Ministry will mediate between insurance companies and travel agencies, in order to resolve the current dispute – said Minister of Tourism Rasim Ljajić.

photo: Beta Dragan Gojić

According to Ljajic, it is quite unusual for insurance companies, three days before the expiration of current licenses, to inform agencies in vain that they will not provide this type of service, justifying themselves with a high degree of risk.

– The essence is that insurance companies assess the risks of each individual agency and do business with those they consider stable and solvent. We will not revoke your licenses, because we expect the issue to be resolved within the next ten days. And since the summer season is over, no new tourism arrangements are expected in this period, Ljajic noted.

( Danas)

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Author: delivery courier
