Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize to the governments of Serbia, Kosovo and the United States – Politics


Donald Trump received the second separate nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, and the governments of Kosovo and Serbia the first, due to the economic normalization agreement, President Trump’s special envoy for the peace negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo confirmed on Twitter, Richard Grenel.

Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize to the Governments of Serbia, Kosovo and the United States 1Photo: Office of the President of Serbia

“Donald Trump was nominated for the (upcoming) Nobel Peace Prize for the second time due to the historic agreement between Kosovo and Serbia,” Grenel wrote on Twitter.

In that announcement, Grenel transmitted the tweet of the Christian Democratic deputy in the Swedish Parliament, Magnus Jakobson, who claimed that today he nominated the governments of the United States, Serbia and Kosovo for the Nobel Peace Prize.

In the message, Trump’s envoy branded Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti.

Jacobson previously announced that he had nominated three governments for the Nobel Peace Prize for “working together to achieve peace and economic development through a cooperation agreement signed at the White House.”

“Trade and communications are important elements for peace,” added Jakobson.

On September 4, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdulah Hotiobavezalis, will normalize economic relations in Bela kuća. In the presence of Trump, each signed their own copy of the document called “Economic Normalization.” The documents differ only in the last of the 16 points.Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize to the Governments of Serbia, Kosovo and the United States 2

On Wednesday, Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2021 by the representative of the right-wing Norwegian Progress Party, Christian Tibring-Jed, for his mediation in establishing relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

Tibring-Jeddah also nominated Trump for the Nobel Prize in 2018, due to the US president’s meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore.

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