Nobody protects Kontić, the original VIDEOS OF THE COUP in Novi Sad are WITH THE POLICE


There are original images of the beating of young people in Novi Sad by the police and the prosecution, Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said, adding that no one had protected Ivan Kontic, the suspect in the beating.

Regarding Marinika Tepić’s complaint that the police did not have that recording and that in that case they did not react in time, Stefanović said on TV Pink that false data was being presented with the aim of shaking the police, to say something bad against Aleksandar Vučić and the MUP for political reasons.

– There are so many nonsense and lies that are told every day. Should this be denied every day? Show and provide evidence and data, and tomorrow will be the next lie – said Stefanović.

He affirmed that all the proceedings related to that case were carried out in accordance with what was ordered by the Prosecutor’s Office to the Police.

– Were there any omissions in the work of the police and the prosecution? Didn’t they work fast enough? The Internal Control Sector will check that when it comes to the police part of the job, the prosecution will do its part, but there is no doubt that the police did not act – says Stefanović.

The minister said that the beating occurred around one thirty at night, the case was reported the next day at 11 in the morning, and that the police, upon receiving the knowledge and the doctor’s report on the injuries, reported immediately to the Prosecutor’s Office.

Ivan Kontić
Ivan Kontić

He stated that there were some doubts and that he insisted that the Police persons who acted that night declare themselves, that they be semi-tested, that the telephone data be reviewed to see if they called the prosecution at that time, how long they talked.

– What I have seen so far, everything has been done in accordance with the regulations. If it should have been faster, if it should have been different, let the Internal Control Sector determine – said Stefanović.

Regarding Marinika Tepić’s complaint about the cover-up of that case and her attacks on Aleksandar Vučić’s family, Stefanović said that Kontić has the status of a suspect and that he has to answer for that.

– No one protects it, no one intervenes for it, nor are we interested in preserving it in any way. We are interested in him coming to Serbia in court to answer – said the Minister.

He said the suspect is being searched in cooperation with all regional police.

“We will find him, we will find him, neither he nor anyone should think that we will not know where he is, and we will bring that man to justice and he will have the opportunity to answer in court,” Stefanović said.

He claimed that the attacks on the Vučić family have become a model and that they are monstrously constructed nonsense lies that only serve to attack Aleksandar Vučić and the state.

– Why is Andrej Vučić guilty? If there were omissions at work, suppose there were omissions in the work of the police and the prosecution, why is Andrej Vučić at fault? What does that have to do with that man? – said Stefanović.

VIDEO: Beating young people in Novi Sad
