Nobody in the world knew! The crown damages another sense!



02.11.2020. 09:21

A team of doctors from the KC Nis Otolaryngology clinic examined the effect of coronavirus on hearing and showed that kovida-19 can cause mild to moderate hearing loss at high frequencies.

Crown, patient, hospital

Corona, patient, hospital, Photo: Tanjug / AP

This is the world’s first comprehensive study on the effect of kovid on hearing, the director of the ENT clinic, Dušan Milisavljević, told RTS.

He said a team of experts was in the red zone and examined the effect of the coronavirus on hearing in moderate and severe patients.

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“We found mild to moderate hearing loss at high frequencies. This means that the corona virus can also attack the auditory nerve. We record patients, urge them to have their hearing checked, and urge them to enter phase two, it is say, to find the right therapy. ” said the director of the ENT clinic.

Based on these data, Milisavljević notes that in some patients, hearing returns within a few weeks and within a few months.

The director of the Otorhinolaryngology clinic states that dexamestazone, a cortical preparation, is used during the treatment of patients with hearing impairment.

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Hospital, Photo: Tanjug / AP

Milisavljevic states that there are two theories about how the corona virus attacks and damages the auditory nerve.

The first, he says, is that microthrombi form in the blood that hit the inner ear and damage the vascularization of the auditory nerve.

The second, according to him, is the lack of oxygen in the hemoglobin, which damages the auditory nerve.

Milisavljevic points out that no one in the world has yet conducted such a comprehensive study of the impact of kovid-19 on hearing, adding that the results of the study will be sent to the leading US journal that deals with ENT issues.
