Nobel Peace Prize: nomination for Serbia, Kosovo and the USA.


Donald Trump received the second separate nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, and the governments of Kosovo and Serbia the first, due to the economic normalization agreement, President Trump’s special envoy for the peace negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo confirmed on Twitter, Richard Grenell.

Grenel shared on this social network a letter from Magnu Jakobson, a publicist from Sweden who nominated three parties for this prestigious award.

This is the second nomination in this area for the US president, he received the first due to the agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, which preceded the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, reports Kossev.

If this nomination is accepted, it will be the second Nobel Peace Prize awarded in relation to Kosovo.

The first was handed over to Martti Ahtisaari, a Finnish diplomat and international negotiator tasked with determining Kosovo’s status, in 2008, when he proposed the so-called “Ahtisaari package” of a set of legal rules on which the constitution by which Kosovo was based unilaterally declared independence.

On the diplomatic margins and in part of the public, for several years there was talk of the aspirations and possibilities of the then Trinity dialogue – Federica Mogherini, Hashim Thaci and Aleksandar Vucic to be nominated for this award.
