No visit without an apology for the genocide


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Provisional Institutions of Kosovo, Meljiza Haradinaj Stubla, said on her Twitter account today to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, that she will not receive permission to visit Kosovo until she apologizes for the genocide and takes its perpetrators. before justice. .

“Kosovo cannot be visited until ‘an apology is sent for the genocide committed against its people and until the perpetrators are brought to justice,'” he wrote, adding that this would be the only response to future demands by Vucic and others. .

Haradinaj Stubla paraphrased Vučić’s statement from the opening last night of the covid hospital in Batajnica that he is proud to be the president of a state that is not joking and that he has no problem finding all the missing and that he can say that no crime should go unpunished and in hiding, adding that “The remains of his uncle from Ljubenic were found in Batajnica.”

“I ask Vučić publicly, as a member of the family affected by the Serbian genocide in Kosovo: did he feel ‘very proud’ even when he was at the table where the decision was made to commit these crimes against Kosovo Albanians”, Haradinaj Stubla wrote.

Haradinaj Stubla added that the time had passed when Kosovo was used as “currency for international bribery of accounts and as a platform for, as she put it, a political spectacle between Vučić and Serbia.”

President Vučić said last night that he applied to enter the territory of Kosovo and Metohija after the Kosovo Minister of Foreign Affairs asked him to go to Raška, but that it was agreed with representatives of the European Union that such visits would not take place and that they would not be discussed in public. .

Dacic: the peak of insolence and hypocrisy in Pristina

The statements by the so-called Kosovo Foreign Minister that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić will be banned from entering Kosovo until he “apologizes for the genocide” are the culmination of Pristina’s rudeness and hypocrisy, the Speaker of the Serbian Parliament said tonight. , Ivica Dačić.

“This is not only a violation of the agreement and the Brussels agreement, but also of the Washington agreement, according to which Pristina promised to enter the mini-Schengen, which implies the free movement of people, goods and capital,” he said Dacic in a written statement delivered to Tanjug.

Ivica Dačić

Photo: Vesna Lalic / RAS Serbia

Ivica Dačić

It is obvious that Pristina, as she added, with the departure of Donald Trump, renounces the Washington agreement, that is, the obligations that derive from it.

“Serbia supports its obligations agreed in Brussels and Washington, but if Pristina does not want that, then Serbia will think carefully about our commitments. Washington’s agreement is valid or not valid for either party. If the president of Serbia is prohibited from entering in Kosovo, “What kind of reconciliation are we talking about ?! Especially at a time when the whole world is witnessing the KLA crimes against the Serbs, “emphasized the Speaker of Parliament.
