No vaccines for Serbia and the Balkans before May? The countries of the region are seething with rage


UNPRECEDENTED EU SHOCK DECISION: Will there be no vaccines for Serbia and the Balkans before May?  The countries of the region are seething with rage

Photo: AP / Frank Augstein

BRUSSELS – The European Commissioner for Enlargement, Oliver Varheji, offered EU aid in the amount of 70 million euros for the purchase of vaccines for the region, but as B92 writes, distribution will not start before May.

The EU will acquire the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine, which is expected to be produced in larger quantities.

However, according to B92, the anger of all those in the Western Balkans was caused by the news that the distribution of vaccines through the Covax program, for which all countries paid five million dollars each, will not start before may.

This means that the EU countries will carry out an almost complete vaccination of their population, so that only after that the countries of the Western Balkans will start vaccinating their population.

As B92 finds out, Serbia and Albania strongly opposed that and demanded a change in plan.


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