NO STONE WILL REMAIN IN STONE After the expulsion of four members, Lutovac expelled Vida Ognjenović from the DS


The current president of the Democratic Party, Zoran Lutovac, expels from the party Vida Ognjenović, the president of the Organizing Committee for the preparation of the elections in that party.

After the Democratic Party Executive Board expelled former MPs Radoslav Milojicic Ken and Balsa Bozovic from membership in the last session, as well as former government ministers Zoran Djindjic, Branisav Lecic and Slobodan Milosavljevic, Zoran Lutovac continues the purge. It was Vida Ognjenović’s turn to face Lutovac’s confrontation with dissidents abroad yesterday.

Speaking on H1 television, Lutovac confirmed that he would expel Ognjenović.

– The Presidency of the DS decided unanimously that those who falsely present themselves and who are trying to hold elections that do not exist, if they do not distance themselves from them, will proceed to a sanctioning proceedings against them. There can be no exceptions. The fact that someone is worthy or respectable does not relieve him of the responsibility to respect the Constitution, the laws and even the Statute of his party, and the Statute is our constitution – said Lutovac.

When asked by a journalist if he was referring to Vida Ognjenovic, he replied:

– Yes, it is for them and everyone else, who consider themselves more respectable, more deserving and have the right to be exempt. There are no exceptions. The statute is the most important. If you allow someone to be respectable and famous to not respect the constitution and the law, you will behave the same way when you come to power. The DS should not convey that, the DS should show by its example that it will be different from the current regime, that the laws will apply to everyone, and not just to some, as is the case today – he said.

Balša Božović wrote on Twitter, along with a recording of Lutovac’s visit:

– Blackmailed man, no cheeks and no shame.

However, to make the matter absurd, it was Lutovac whose decisions were annulled on several occasions by the Statutory Commission of the Democratic Party because, in the opinion of the members, they were contrary to the statute.

Thus, the Statutory Commission annulled the decisions on the dissolution of several municipal boards of the DS, the Youth of that party, and even the exclusion of individuals.

It should be recalled that Vida Ognjenović, together with the current Vice President Dragoslav Šumarcen and the Chairman of the Statutory Commission Srdjan Sanić, addressed the public yesterday and said that Lutovac must withdraw the decision to expel four prominent party members, apologize or resign.

He noted that Lutovac expelled from the party the most militant and active members, who contributed to listening to democratic principles.

– For some reason, Lutovac is behaving like a grand inquisitor and carrying out purges – Ognjenović said and said that part of the Democrats called an electoral assembly to save the party from those who, as she says, are against democracy.

– It is hard to believe that this happened in the DS and it is very difficult to explain this procedure. This is called usurpation, autocracy, rudeness, and anti-democracy. We are surprised that the DS president avoids debate, conversation and voting and makes decisions with the truncated presidency – said Ognjenović.
