NO SMOKING MEASURES! This is when the first coffees could run longer and what will happen to the parties


The Crisis Staff session for the fight against the coronavirus is scheduled for today, and it will reconsider the measures, whether it is relaxing them or strictly adhering to those prescribed, they are two keys and seem to be the most difficult issues for everyone. behind closed doors at the Palace of Serbia.

The members of the Crisis Staff will first analyze the current epidemiological situation starting at 10 am today, and will discuss the possible implementation of measures, but it is not known what they will decide, given that the opinions of the medical and economic part of the staff they still differ. .

We understand that people in service industries are affected, but this is not the time to relax. Let’s have at least a triple digit number of infected people, so let’s talk about relaxation, says prof “Blic”. Dr. Branislav Tiodorović.

The Crisis Staff session will be held tomorrow, but the medical part, clearly, believes that it is not yet the time to relax the measures.

According to epidemiologist prof. Tiodorović, on the one hand, it is good that the weather is pleasant, that people are walking, but it is also a risk, there is no physical distance, there are no masks, and there are also meetings and parties in the houses.

Dr. Branislav Tiodorovic

Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Dr. Branislav Tiodorovic

– We must say and remember that we have between 1,600 and 2,000 newly infected, which is a high number, and we can call the situation “stably bad”. So it’s not good, but the numbers are out there somewhere and it’s a lot better than when we had 4,000 or even 10,000 infected per day. The descent is much slower than we expected because we did quite well during the holidays, but there is no significant decrease and if we give in to the measures, it would be risky – says a member of the Crisis Staff for the fight against kovid 19.

According to Professor Tiodorović, we must continue to adhere to the measures to avoid a jump, because stability in the number of infected people is important to us now due to the vaccination that is underway.

– Vaccination is ongoing and people should be healthy when vaccinated, that’s another reason. Objectively speaking, we must adhere to measures that allow us to keep the situation as favorable as possible. Even that game that is close, would be a great incentive to increase the number of patients. Now we had a slight wave that gave an increase, and it is the return of the wintering people, the school has started, everything has worked. Then it calmed down, but the number is still not as favorable as it should be. We should go down to at least a three-digit number and be more sure that we have a downward trend, and we don’t have it now, says Professor Tiodorović.


Photo: Rade Prelić / Tanjug


A more relaxed measure is desirable for economic reasons, especially for caterers, but if the measures are relaxed at this point, the question is what would happen to the epidemiological situation and whether there would be a greater increase in the number of new infections. Apparently the medical side of the crisis staff is still a bit patient.

– Service activities are in a difficult situation and we understand that they need measures to be more relaxed, but at this time it is important to avoid increasing the numbers. Be careful, despite the fact that the work in restaurants and cafes is limited, people sit inside without a mask, so that’s one reason, on the other hand, there is no physical distance outside, that’s why there are gatherings. If it weren’t for that house gathering and those house parties, we would have number 500. For example, Belgrade is a big city, on average there are about 1,000 different meetings during the day, and those people don’t understand how dangerous it is. So when we multiply by the number of people in a meeting, we have 20,000 people at risk every day. People should be aware that in times of epidemic, any meeting is risky. When we were disciplined for the holidays, when there were minor moves, the numbers immediately started to drop, and then everything was the same again. Just a little more patience, a little discipline, vaccination is underway, so let’s be united and responsible to make it better and easier for everyone – says Professor Tiodorović.

Vaccinations and weddings and summer vacations

Many couples have canceled celebrations in the last year, but also vacations due to the epidemiological situation. Is it realistic to think about weddings and vacations?

– If the measures are fulfilled until the end of spring, and vaccination is carried out in the same period for at least two million inhabitants of Serbia, then it will be possible to think about it too – says Professor Tiodorović for “Blic” .

Economic part for longer working hours

Yesterday, the Deputy Mayor of Belgrade, Goran Vesić, said that he expected that “the working hours of the catering facilities will be extended until 10 pm next week” because, as he pointed out, “it is already being vaccinated in Serbia. and there is not a dramatic jump in the number of people infected with the corona virus. “

“I hope it happens, because I think it has been too long. We are a country that is already vaccinating its population and in which there is not a dramatic jump in the number of infected. We have managed to find a balance between the economy.” and cheers and I hope the time is extended next week, “Vesić said as a guest on K1.


Photo: Sava Radovanović / Tanjug


He stated that this is not only a health crisis, but also an economic and social crisis, adding that not only health-related measures can be taken.

“40,000 people work in the service sector in Belgrade, and those people should be paid wages and support their families. Therefore, we will insist that working hours be extended,” Vesić said.

The measures that are currently in force mean that the working hours of the catering facilities are until 20 hours.
