No one marries in a church in Serbia, and there is a terrible story behind it all (VIDEO)



09/05/2020 19:13 – 09.05.2020 19:38

Devil's stone church

Devil’s Stone Church, Photo: Print screen / YouTube

The church where nobody marries, is baptized and rarely goes to the liturgy, is located just two kilometers from Trgovište, in the extreme south of Serbia. Right where it is The church dedicated to the Blessed Mother of God is called, not by chance, the Devil’s Stone.

The Piedra del Diablo is not easy to reach, intentional travelers face a winding stone path that stretches through forested areas along the Pcinja River canyon. Near the town of Donja Trnica there is a kind of open-air museum. – stone houses, mud and reeds, a dozen stone cups about fifty meters high and churches.

An architectural wonder, located at the top of one of the highest glasses. According to tradition, it was built before the Prohor Pčinjski monastery and, according to the architecture and the frescoes, it is estimated that it was built in the period between 1350 and 1380.

Fall into the abyss

Diocese data shows that it was built in the late 14th century, with the blessing of Emperor Dušan, and that it was built by his son-in-law, Serbian landowner Dejan Marković.

One of the most vivid legends that the people of Pčinja relate with some fear, it is generally whispered that the “devil does not listen to them”, is related to an unpleasant event, which is why people have not married in the church since then.

A young man and a girl from this area fell in love and decided to get married in the church in Vražji kamen, where they secretly exchanged their first kisses, because their parents did not approve of that relationship. The girl was a poor beauty, and he was the only son of a rich house. The young men decided to swear eternal love right in front of the altar of this church, despite the opposition of their parents. The parents had nowhere to go, so they decided to make the wedding as it should be. When, after the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds left the mentioned church and mounted, as tradition says, they decorated horses, the groom’s horse feared the music of the wedding, ran to the abyss and rushed , along with the boyfriend on his back. Seeing that, the bride jumped off her horse, ran to the cliff and jumped without thinking.

In the name of love

A groan from a young newlywed couple replaced the bride and groom’s singing. people never married again in that church which, they say, “was not built for joy.”

After the tragedy that became a legend, when two young lives ended in an abyss, the locals remembered another story that is passed down from generation to generation, and refers to the construction of the church itself.

For years, a church was built by the river, but everything the locals would build during the day, the demons would take him away and leave him in the Devil’s Stone overnight. They were reportedly angry at the villagers for not respecting them enough. However, the church remained in Vražji kamen, while, as they say, shrines along the river were not allowed to sprout.

Despite the legends and stories about how this place was haunted, in The belief that staying in this church cures infertility has also spread among people. God is believed to give children to all who attend church in the name of the love of a newly-married couple who, as legends say, suffered without a child.
