NO NEW MEASURES FOR THE SCHOOLS Students return to their benches tomorrow after a mini break, WITHOUT EXTENSION OF HOLIDAYS


The government has not adopted any new measures regarding schools, so from tomorrow the students will go back to school.

In the session of the Government of Serbia, which began at 1 p.m., and in which new measures were adopted in the fight against the coronavirus, several options were considered. However, for now at least, no new measures have been taken for schools, so students will return to classes tomorrow after the holidays.

The possible advancement of the winter break will be discussed later.

– I am absolutely in favor of the schools continuing to function, I am in favor of that, we have 39 infected students in primary schools throughout Serbia, 52 in secondary schools, of which 22 in Belgrade. Then it becomes clear to them how safe the situation is and how disciplined the students are, how much the measures are respected, said Prime Minister Ana Brnabić.

As Professor Branislav Tiodorović said for “Blic”, what would be nice when it comes to schools is to introduce a holiday from December 19 to January 20.

– Some time ago I made a proposal to bring forward the holiday, which should be in February, to bring it forward. Here’s why it’s good, we include the Orthodox and Catholic holidays, the New Year, so everyone would be exposed to less risk of spreading the virus. In big cities, public transport is used, then there is more communication with the people, so I think it is a good idea to implement it – says Professor Tiodorović for “Blic”.

The measures that have been adopted are that all cafes, restaurants, discos, but also shops and supermarkets will only work until 9:00 p.m. You can read more about this in a special news item.

VIDEO: Distance learning
