No neo-Nazi gathering at the BIGZ building in Belgrade


The concert of neo-Nazi groups, which was announced on the Internet for October 10 at night in the BIGZ building in Belgrade, was not held. At around 6pm when the concert was announced, there was no meeting in front of the BIGZ building, and as reported by a Radio Free Europe (RSE) reporter, there were plainclothes police officers at the entrance.

Security of the doorkeeper of the BIGZ building for CSR indicated that in Club 28 of that building, in the place where the concert was announced, “there is nobody and nothing happens. write CSR.

The event was announced on the Internet, as a commemorative gathering dedicated to the British Jan Stuart Donaldson, founder of the international neo-Nazi skinhead network “Blood and Honor”.

The Serbian Interior Ministry stated that the police were not informed of any concert in the BIGZ building on Saturday, but that the police, after such information appeared in the media, carried out all necessary checks.

“In the event of a possible meeting, the police, in cooperation with other state agencies, will act in accordance with the law and take the necessary measures,” the Interior Ministry said.

According to Radio Free Europe, “Blood and Honor” connects fascist organizations from different countries, and the branch of the organization “Blood and Honor” is banned in Canada.

On the Canadian government website, it was assessed as “an international neo-Nazi network whose ideology is derived from the National Socialist doctrine of Nazi Germany.”
