NO MATTER WHAT THE SERBS THINK: The server says: Madeleine Albright will be included in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.


– It doesn’t matter what the Serbs think or not that Madeleine Albright is included. She will be included. She is a former secretary of state and the current is important, not so much in the Democratic Party, but in the thinking democratic world, the part of the democratic world that thinks about foreign policy. And he lived in Serbia, he speaks Serbian. I think it should be appreciated – said Server for H1 television.

The server said that they understood that “many Serbs will not appreciate her because she defended NATO’s participation in the war after the collapse of the negotiations in Rambouillet.”

– And I fully understand how they treat me, even though I opposed the bombing. However, it does not matter, she will have influence, she has interesting things to say – said Server.

He added that he knew that none of the prominent participants in last week’s session of the Foreign Policy Committee of the United States House of Representatives was welcomed in Belgrade, in which political approaches that the administration of the future president of the United States were discussed , Joseph Biden, could apply to the Western Balkans.

Participants in that session, in which outgoing chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee and Albanian lobbyist Eliot Engel and representative of the non-governmental Jamestown Foundation Janusz Bugajski spoke together with Server and Albright, said that Serbia should recognize Kosovo, which should become a member of the UN.

– Honestly, none of us, Janusz, Madeleine Albright, none of us are welcome for what we said. Belgrade has turned in the direction of Russia, in the ultra-nationalist direction – evaluated Server.

He said that “Americans and Europeans must work together” on the issue of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, because both the EU and the United States have shown that they cannot come to a solution to the problem on their own.

– If they work together and have a common vision, not only for Serbia and Kosovo, but for the region as a whole, I think it will work. This is the first step that Americans and Europeans should talk to each other, even before talking to Bosnians, Kosovars and Serbs, Server said.

He added that the EU should be the “host of the dialogue” and that the Americans should support it.

– The EU has the greatest influence on these characters. What the Americans can bring is a lot of support for Europeans, as well as two things: the implementation of everything agreed, which was not good in the past, as well as the insistence on reciprocity. Regardless of what Belgrade and Pristina ask for in this dialogue, they must be willing to reciprocate equally, Server said.

He said “it was not always this way” and cited as an example, as he put it, the “strange case” of the Kosovo Specialized Chambers, the crimes court of the former Kosovo Liberation Army based in The Hague.

– That court was created in The Hague as part of Belgrade’s insistence, which said: the Pristina government cannot be trusted to try to prosecute those who committed crimes after the war. The international community “bought” that argument and insisted on a special tribunal, Server said.

He added that “it was not a bad thing, but not reciprocal either” because, as he puts it, there is a “very clear case” of three Americans, the Bytyci brothers, who were murdered in Serbia after the war, and their murderers cannot be brought to justice. in The Hague the court has no jurisdiction in Serbia.

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