“No body was found in the Danube …”


Milorad is still listed as missing, no new information … He was in Austria, talking to the inspector working on his case. They say they searched the Danube and did not find the body, so the search continues … We hope he’s alive …

With these words, Zeljka Vlaovic, wife of Milorad Vlaovic from Novi Sad, who disappeared on November 21 in Austria, talks about the search that takes place over 16 days.

Milorad Vlaović was last seen on the riverboat “Primadona”, on which he has worked as a cook for years, in Linz, Austria.

– To date, I have not received any information. An Interpol warrant has been issued, the Austrian police are working on the case and he is listed as missing. We don’t know what happened to him – Milorad’s wife, Zeljko, told “Blic”.

Milorad Vlaović

Photo: Social networks

Milorad Vlaović

As his wife Zeljka told “Blic” previously, Milorad worked on the ship from April to the end of the year, and spent the period from January to April at his home in Novi Sad. This year, due to the corona virus pandemic, the situation was different, so the ship was anchored in Linz, and Vlaović stayed to work with another colleague as a chef.

– The company called us five days after the disappearance to express its regret. Like their peers, they don’t know what could have happened and, therefore, they don’t know how to help me. I heard from all his colleagues, nobody knows anything about him – explains Željka.

They told him that they had gathered on the fateful night to celebrate Arandjelovdan, the glory of one of his colleagues. According to their testimonies, Milorad did not drink much.

– Around 10:30 at night, he told them to go to sleep because he was tired. What happened then, nobody knows – says Zeljka.

One version of the fact is that the Novi Sad man slipped and fell off the ship, but the fact that his body was not found in the Danube even after an extensive search by helicopters and divers refutes that version of events, at least in this moment. Colleagues also said he may have slipped when he went out to light a cigarette, but Željka says Milorad did not take them.

Milorad Vlaović

Photo: Social networks

Milorad Vlaović

– We hope he’s alive somewhere. That is why we constantly post your photo on social media, hoping that maybe someone will recognize you. Maybe you have a problem, maybe you need help … That’s why we ask everyone who knows something about Milorad to call – says the inconsolable woman.

He learned of the disappearance from a neighbor.

As he told “Blic” previously, Zeljka and Milorad last communicated on Saturday, the day of his disappearance.

– On Saturday we talked around 12.30, he was in a very good mood. A colleague from the ship celebrated the glory that day. During the day, he sent me photos of the celebration table. The last time we heard each other it was around 3.30 pm and I didn’t want to bother him anymore – says Zeljka.

He says he texted him goodnight at 9:21 PM and noted that he hadn’t opened it, but thought he was enjoying the company and hadn’t seen him, and that he would reply in the morning. When she called him Sunday and he didn’t answer, she thought he was still asleep.

– I texted him every hour. The last one was around 3:30 pm It was our inside joke when the latter didn’t respond and said “Okay, now I’m calling the police.” However, unlike previous messages that weren’t open, it wasn’t delivered. I was worried he wouldn’t respond, but I thought he was missing the internet, she says.

She was more concerned when there was no signal or voice from Milorad on Monday, because, as he puts it, it is “such that it would immediately run on the Internet Monday morning.” That day, completely unexpectedly, a neighbor came to their house and announced that her husband had disappeared.

– Marko came with puffy eyes and told me that Mića had disappeared. He was called by a colleague of Milorad who had previously worked on the ship. He learned from his colleagues on the ship that Mića was missing and wanted for a week, as well as helicopters flying overhead and divers looking for her, Željko says in disbelief.
