Nis School Administration: Symptoms and Isolation in Three Schools


Officially, among the teachers and students of two secondary schools and an elementary school in Nis, there are suspects of kovid-19. A kindergarten teacher in Aleksinac also has symptoms. This was confirmed for H1 by the director of school administration in Nis, Dragan Gejo. For epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović, such a result is expected in the second week of the new school year. He claims that we are not even close to closing schools. At the same time, the School Administration rejects speculation that the principal was dismissed for failure to comply with the measures.

The director of the Nis school administration, Dragan Gejo, affirms that he is not aware that any of the school directors of that city have been replaced by the Minister of Education for failure to comply with anti-epidemic measures.

“Somehow it coincided that a director resigned a few days ago,” says Gayo.

But, he says, it’s not related to the epidemic, so he said that was probably how the confusion arose. The evaluation of the symptoms of the new virus among teachers and students is still evaluated as not massive.

“The director of the Construction School confirmed that one of the parents … So these people are in quarantine, and therefore their children at home, so as not to come into contact with the school children. Also a teacher in Aleksinac , who is in home isolation, and all the children who were in contact with her were removed, the whole group, ”says Gejo.

A teacher from Aleksinac, she says, is employed in one of the kindergartens and only has symptoms of infection, and later reported that a teacher from the Mechanical School in Nis, in contact with an infected person, is isolated at home.

N1: What about the school in Chokot, are there children who do not show up to school?

“Bravo, yes, I left that. There was also a situation in Chokot, I suppose there are two sisters in question, if I am not mistaken. And a mother. They are also isolated, but they got it last week when there were no children on the shift, so they didn’t even get in touch and come to the school, ”says Gejo.

It states that there are no laboratory confirmed cases in any of the institutions, and there are no reports of non-compliance with measures in the schools.

“That is to be expected,” epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorovic told H1.

Although it is the second week of the school year. It is important, says Tiodorović, that schools react immediately according to protocols.

“However, we do not have a situation where schools have to be closed due to a greater number of sick children, as is the situation in some of our neighboring countries.” says Tiodorovic.

Nor, according to him, are we close to such a scenario. It also recommends that the children, now returning from neighboring countries, not be sent to school immediately. He sees a more serious danger of the virus spreading in high schools, but also in universities. He points out that there are already five students suspected of coronavirus infection in Nis.

“They have not been confirmed to be positive, but we have to monitor everyone who has certain problems and is a potential source of infection,” says Tiodorović.

Read more news about Kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world in the page Coronavirus.
