NIŠ DOCTORS CLAIM: No more doubts: the crown permanently weakens a sense


“There are no longer doubts and doubts that the coronavirus leaves consequences on the hearing of patients. The sense of smell and taste, the loss of which is diagnosed immediately after the onset of symptoms in almost all patients with kovid 19, returns much more slowly than expected and, in some cases, not completely, “said prof. Dr. Dušan Milisavljević, director of the ENT clinic in Niš, who started a unique investigation with his colleagues about twenty days ago (the investigation slowed down due to a significant reduction in the number of hospitalized patients and people treated for kovid in the last month).

“Although our investigation has not been completed, in a small number of patients with kovida 19, it has been irrefutably determined that hearing loss occurs and that the previously lost sense of smell and taste does not fully return. In the course of research so far, we have recorded cases of mild and moderate hearing loss, mainly at high frequencies. This means that in these patients, which fortunately are not many, the auditory nerve is damaged and they hear speech unless higher tones are involved. We also recorded a case of additional hearing loss in a patient wearing a hearing aid, “explained Dušan Milisavljević, director of the ENT clinic in Niš, writes Politika.

When it comes to the senses of taste and smell, the Nis doctors said they returned to several patients, but were altered or changed because they could not fully define smell or taste.

The study involved 75 corona-positive patients who were in severe and moderate condition, hospitalized for a long time in kovid hospitals of the Nis Clinical Center.

As Dr. Milisavljević mentioned, a large number of research patient-participants volunteered to participate because they suspect their hearing has been affected by their crown.

“We plan that the examination and investigation will include 100 of these patients, 90 percent of whom are under 65 years of age and 10 percent over that age limit, which by the way implies hearing loss. due to age. ” And our decision is to check the patients in the sample one month after the cure, that is, to go to the home recovery, because only in this way could we determine if the harmful changes may have a more permanent nature or if they are temporary changes and damages. The most important thing for us is that the research plan provides for a hearing test for patients who were treated in Nis covid hospitals, but we were not able to stop there, “said Dr. Milisavljevic.

The end of the investigation will depend on the course of the epidemic.

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