Nis – Director of the Clinical Center – lawsuit


The director of the Nis Clinical Center, Zoran Radovanović, sued the institution he has run since 2012, because he had not been paid travel expenses in the previous three years, Južne Vesti reported. It demands the payment of 300 thousand dinars, interest and litigation costs to the institution that it officially administers even now.

As noted, Radovanović did not provide documentation to the service to justify business travel, so the payment was rejected, after which he went to court.

Zoran Radovanović, still the current director of the Clinical Center in Niš sued the institution that still runs for unpaid travel expenses in the previous three years, when he himself was in a position where he practically approves and signs such payments.

He was rejected for the service, which first went to the Clinical Expense Payment Center, for which on August 13 he sued the institution he administers, according to Južne vesti.

“What are all the aspects of the absurd that people point to? One is that Radovanovic is suing the Clinical Center for the period in which he was the head of that center. Others recall that doctors were not paid as much as they worked shift. they say, twice less and they couldn’t fight for it. The third reminds the ‘hired’ workers, who couldn’t stay there to work, who were also late for wages, and he told them: you know where the door is. Money was a problem then, and now he is asking the Clinical Center for money, “says the editor of the information portal Južne vesti de Niš, Gordana Bjeletić.

The demand of the director of the Nis Clinical Center was referred to justice in the middle of the second “peak” of the coronavirus epidemic, when it was confirmed to journalists that the director was on sick leave.

“According to the information we have, he is already before the court. We are waiting for the Clinical Center to be announced. By the way, Radovanović is still the director of the Clinical Center, officially. Although, according to some sources from the SNS, he has already been fired … It has already been announced that Zoran Perišić, who is an SNS official, will take his place, but Radovanović remains the director, ”says Bjeletić.

Both the Južni vesti journalists and the H1 team tried to locate Radovanović, but he is not available for calls. Nikola Markovic, a spokesperson for the Nis Clinical Center, told H1 that there was no information about the lawsuit and that he had no comment.
