NIS DECLARED AN EMERGENCY SITUATION Tomorrow the Local Crisis Staff will bring NEW MEASURES related to kindergartens, public transport …


The city of Nis has declared a state of emergency due to the serious epidemiological situation, and it will last until December 1, with the possibility of an extension, it was announced at a press conference today.

Otherwise, the new measures will be adopted tomorrow after the session of the Crisis General Staff of the Republic.

– Three new measures could be discussed: further shortening the working hours of shops and catering services, then transferring to work from home in most companies, with mandatory confirmation for kindergartens that the parents of children must be at their workplace – explained is an epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović, reports Jugmedia.

Branislav Tiodorović

Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Branislav Tiodorović

He also said that a limit on the number of passengers in the city’s public transport could be discussed.

We remind you that in Nis the obligation for parents to bring a certificate of obligation to be at their workplace is already prescribed. Otherwise children will not be admitted to kindergartens.

– It is not excluded that it is recommended that everyone who can work from home, and that children are not taken to kindergarten, but only go with the confirmation of their parents that they have to work – said Dr. Branislav Tiodorović.

The concrete measures will be published on the official website of the city.
